BN query


fancy goldfish rule!!!
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Jersey, Channel Islands, UK

My BN plec just sits under a bit of wood all day and only ever comes out to suck on a cucumber slice or the glass at night

is this normal

just paranoid i am :*)
One of my common brown ones were like that too. And quite skittish. Even though she had plenty of caves and plants etc. etc.

My two goldn BN's are quite friendly and always out and about.
I think it's quite individual.
yeah normal i have two normal bn and lots of babie albino BN;s now the normals i hardly see but the goldens dont care there always out !
The easiest way to teach it to come out more is to not feed your entire tank anything for about a week. They won't starve, but your plec will be promoted to go scavanging around the tank. After the week slowly start feeding them again, but not as much as you normally would, just very small ammounts every few days. You should find your plec learns that algae and scavanging are it's main food source and should come out even in the day.

It works, i have done it when introducing plecs and consequently mine are mostly fairly active.

my gold BN is very active, so are my common plecos. But my regular BN hides all day and comes out at night. He'll eat during the day if a food pellet falls near his cave but that's it

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