Bn Plecos?


Sep 23, 2013
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It is really a long story of how I ended up with these little guys/girls. I need confirmation that these are infact bristlenose plecos. They are well over a year old. Why are they so small? (I know BN are a smaller species, but one is about 2 inches and the other is about one inch or a little over.) and why are their bellys translucent?

Sorry for the links. It wouldn't let me upload the pics.
Just thought I should add some info... I have had these for two days or so. I know the source they came from. They were in a 150 gallon tank with quite a few others. They weren't exactly fed the right stuff from fryhood to now.could that cause them to be small? Will they grow better now that they are being fed waffers and occasional veggies?
What sized tank are they in now?
They do get fat like that anyway and it's quite normal.
They are in a 55 gallon with my common pleco, three adult guppies, and a couple guppy fry. The common pleco is only around 6 or 7 inches right now. So don't worry! Lol.
If they are only an inch long, then they're not sexable, although going by body shape, I'd expect them to be 2 inches long at this point. They generally start being sexable at around 2 inches long.
Their bellies are translucent because use skin is thin there. It's normal for the species.
Just out of curiosity, what were they fed before?
I don't know the exact kind of food. Whatever she was feeding her other fish. Some kind of sinking pellets. But not specifically for plecos. I could be a little off on size... The bigger one has two tiny bristles on the very tip of its face.
The bigger one did strike me as a potential male. For future reference, just be aware that old females also get bristles.
Omnivorous feed is not too bad for growing bristlenoses as plecos are opportunistic carnivores (they will eat dead fish).
Thanks for the responses. I am hoping I can feed them well and they will grow a little more so we can sex for sure. :)

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