Bn Impersonater


Fish Crazy
Mar 28, 2008
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Bought what we thought were a pair of BNs from the fish shop a couple of days ago, but when we got them home and had the bag floating in the tank, realised that one of them didn't look much like a BN at all. We put them both in anyway, because I didn't fancy the poor thing's chances at surviving a trip all the way back to the LFS. I've got what I think is a pretty decent photo - can anyone identify?


Bought what we thought were a pair of BNs from the fish shop a couple of days ago, but when we got them home and had the bag floating in the tank, realised that one of them didn't look much like a BN at all. We put them both in anyway, because I didn't fancy the poor thing's chances at surviving a trip all the way back to the LFS. I've got what I think is a pretty decent photo - can anyone identify?



Id take it back unless your tank is massive!
Snowflake wins the prize. They're sold as redspot plecos in NZ. I have one. They can probably grow to around 15in which is quite big, but not HUGE. I love the patterning on them and they do a great job of eating the algae which might try to grow on your tank. They are poop factories though! I have to keep on top of it or I would have miles of electrical cables covering the bottom of my tank.
Thats a gibby or sailfin or many other names.

they grow to over 24 inches and defo not a dawrf BN!!!
Thanks folks, confirmed my fears. Well, the little chap's been netted (easier said than done in a 350L heavily planted tank!), bagged, returned and swapped for a real BN.
Hi, a similar thing happened to me 4 years ago. My supposed little BN grew to be a 15" Common! :) You did the best thing if you didn't want a fish that big.
Thats funny because I bought a female BN pleco that was labelled as a common pleco. But I knew it was a BN some of the little guys even had little bristles.
Thanks folks, confirmed my fears. Well, the little chap's been netted (easier said than done in a 350L heavily planted tank!), bagged, returned and swapped for a real BN.

i would have thought you might have been able to keep it in a 350
Thanks folks, confirmed my fears. Well, the little chap's been netted (easier said than done in a 350L heavily planted tank!), bagged, returned and swapped for a real BN.

i would have thought you might have been able to keep it in a 350

By all reports they're quite territorial. With cories, a peckoltia and a BN in there too, I don't think it would have been sensible to keep him.

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