Bn Fry At Last In Outside Pond...

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
I moved them out there on 10 March 2011 and kept the water down to around 3ft depth.... Today is exactly the middle of our winter here In SA (equilibrium)..... and for the first time,..... fry was noticed today..... It is very dark down there so photos will not be possible, but I did see quite a few about 1/8th of an inch long....

So, although it was a natural process, (no intervention from me) I can add yet another species to my total tally of fish I have bred..... about 2 weeks ago I also had a first for me (Bronze corries) which now brings my total to 40 species that bred under my care.....

My CV is growing and I hope that this is the first of many.......
I tried again and did just manage to get a couple of photos..... These are the best from about 90 photos..... They are all top down photos, so not the best results....




Gosh there TINY! Congrats Ludwig, know you've been waiting for these :good:

I now notice a lot of additional fry at varying sizes, so I assume the second batch has hatched.... I have one tank inside of the fishroom with plenty healthy algea, so I caught out some 4 fry to this tank and if they grow faster than the rest.... I'll put 20 of them in here.....

In my 40 years of fish breeding.... I consider this to be my best achievement.... breeding BN's (which I thought was impossible)
They are now multiplying like flies...... progressively, I'm moving the fry inside to my algea ridden (other species) fry tanks....

Those seem to be growing faster than the rest of them..... I just hope I can establish a market for them.....
Sure you will have no problem shifting these :good: thats the only thing with BNs once they start breeding they don't stop :lol:
Sure you will have no problem shifting these :good: thats the only thing with BNs once they start breeding they don't stop :lol:
Well... based on my area where breeding stocks are unavailable..... I paid around R500 each (of five fish) for the breeding stock, but!!!.... I will have to sell at around R30.... to ensure my market keeps moving.... So unfair... but if I can break even????
Despite having lost some (90) during a water change....This is an update on my remaining 30 fry....


Congratulations on your BN fry, with room and plenty of food they really do rocket along. My adults wont stop breeding and I am seriously starting to run out of places to put all the various babies :blink: . If you sell yours privatley fairly cheaply you should move quite a few if they aren't all that common in your area. One of my local pet shops is always happy to take any young BN's I have when they are around the 4 - 5 cm mark and pay $3 (AUS) for them, when I sell privately I still aim for that size but charge $5 each which is still cheaper than the pet shops asking price of around $9. Best of luck with the rest of your fry and I bet you have more before you know it :good: .
Are they all albino?

General rule is that for every fish you can see there will be 2 hiding so you may have an infestation on your hands!

Should pay for some Castle and Biltong ;)
Are they all albino?

General rule is that for every fish you can see there will be 2 hiding so you may have an infestation on your hands!

Should pay for some Castle and Biltong ;)

:lol: that may well be true. :hey:

The fry look great, LV. They're so much bigger.

Unfortunately, all of those in the outside pond died and the only survivors were those I took into the fishroom and they were counted..... so I know there are only 30 fry left.....

BUT!!!....on the bright side...... I did notice today that there is a new batch free-swimming in the outside pond....... So we're back in production.

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