Blue green algae


Professional Cat Herder
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Dec 18, 2011
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Where the deer and the antelope play
I'm starting to get a lot blue-green gook in my 150. There's been a little patch on top of one of the tree stumps, but now I'm seeing it on the substrate. The water is very, very clean (no ammonia or nitrites, nitrates less than 5 ppm), but there s some organic debris on the bottom. Lights are on about 8-9 hours a day; can't remember exactly. Considerable tannins in the water. No other algae problems.

All the usual solutions are problematic. I don't want to add a power head because my angelfish wouldn't like it. Vacuuming isn't really an option with a soil under sand substrate, but I'd love a way to remove the mulm because it doesn't look that great. I'm afraid reducing the light any more will harm the plants, and I can't really get the water any cleaner than it is.

Any ideas, insight, wisdom, pagan algae removal ceremonies, or other assistance?
yea all the mulm is definitely causing bluegreen
maybe use the net to scoop some up which also causes water flow
I'm starting to get a lot blue-green gook in my 150. There's been a little patch on top of one of the tree stumps, but now I'm seeing it on the substrate. The water is very, very clean (no ammonia or nitrites, nitrates less than 5 ppm), but there s some organic debris on the bottom. Lights are on about 8-9 hours a day; can't remember exactly. Considerable tannins in the water. No other algae problems.

All the usual solutions are problematic. I don't want to add a power head because my angelfish wouldn't like it. Vacuuming isn't really an option with a soil under sand substrate, but I'd love a way to remove the mulm because it doesn't look that great. I'm afraid reducing the light any more will harm the plants, and I can't really get the water any cleaner than it is.

Any ideas, insight, wisdom, pagan algae removal ceremonies, or other assistance?
Vacuuming isn't really an option with a soil under sand substrate, but I'd love a way to remove the mulm because it doesn't look that great.
Any ideas, insight, wisdom, pagan algae removal ceremonies, or other assistance?
I vacuum the mulm off of my sand substrate…I’ve got a rigid plastic tube that I just hover over the surface that I want removed…I don‘t get the sand… 0DD5FB5A-1173-422C-9B41-31B80CE48E0C.jpeg
reduce dry food.
try to remove the blue green gunk
take items out of the tank and hose them off outside
make sure you have plenty of blue light.
if you are running fluorescent globes that are more than 12 months old, get new globes and starters. Have globes with a 6500K rating.
reduce fertiliser for a few weeks
do huge water changes to dilute any nutrients in the water.
reduce dry food.
try to remove the blue green gunk
take items out of the tank and hose them off outside
make sure you have plenty of blue light.
if you are running fluorescent globes that are more than 12 months old, get new globes and starters. Have globes with a 6500K rating.
reduce fertiliser for a few weeks
do huge water changes to dilute any nutrients in the water.
wait can you explain excatly what was dry food again?
send link pls i need this
corys are such poop machines
I got it from Amazon, but it’s showing as unavailable now…any search for ‘aquarium vacuum’ will bring up lots of options. Go for something cheap, with slow flow and then you have more control. I have a little submersible pump for water changes as this was FARRRR to slow…
I got it from Amazon, but it’s showing as unavailable now…any search for ‘aquarium vacuum’ will bring up lots of options. Go for something cheap, with slow flow and then you have more control. I have a little submersible pump for water changes as this was FARRRR to slow…
i jsut want to remove poop so yea
i have a big tube for removing water
The problem increases.

I added a powerhead two weeks ago to drastically increase movement on the right side of the tank, since this stuff is only growing in that half of the tank, farthest from the filter spraybar. I also have started keeping the bottom much cleaner, while adding root tabs to get my rooted plants growing better. Reward? This BGA has increased drastically. Ug.

I don't use any ferts except occasional, very-deeply-buried root tabs. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are all below detectable levels, so I don't think excess nutrients/overfeeding are the problem. Tons of floating plants, to the degree that I'm scooping out multiple, large handfuls every week to keep my swords from suffering, so I don't think excess light is the problem.

I ordered a phosphate test to see if that's the problem.

Any other ideas?
Some people have used anti-biotics to treat it but that should only be used as a very last resort after everything else has been tried. I think they used Erythromycin but not 100% on that.

Are you removing the BGA each day?
ie: doing big daily water changes and gravel cleaning the gunk out?
Some people have used anti-biotics to treat it but that should only be used as a very last resort after everything else has been tried. I think they used Erythromycin but not 100% on that.

Are you removing the BGA each day?
ie: doing big daily water changes and gravel cleaning the gunk out?
I've read about erythromycin. One source says it won't kill BB. I'm skeptical about that.

I can't do deep gravel vacs because it's a dirt-under-sand substrate, but I've been trying to keep the surface clean. I can only do WCs once a week because this tank is in a business in town, not in my home.
Do you have a phosphate test kit? My guess would be high phosphates. Possibly from the food but could be from source water.

Edit: sorry missed that you said you was getting a phosphate test kit. Also test tap water as well if tank shows high level.

How heavily planted is it? Can you add any more fast growers in the tank in addition to what is in there?

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