Blue Clawed Lobster

Sorry but I thought what you said was rude and it offended me.

I take very good care of all my animals and fish etc. Which is why I was on here in the first place finding out how to keep him happy.

I asked for suggestions on something different, that won't try to escape because I am gone for long period of time with college and work. I didn't ask to be told I didn't care enough to own something else. In my opinion that was rude.


Sorry but I thought what you said was rude and it offended me.

I take very good care of all my animals and fish etc. Which is why I was on here in the first place finding out how to keep him happy.

I asked for suggestions on something different, that won't try to escape because I am gone for long period of time with college and work. I didn't ask to be told I didn't care enough to own something else. In my opinion that was rude.


and i am inclined to agree with you :good: :good: :good:

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