Blue Acaras


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2009
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silly question
Got up this morning and 2 of my 4 acaras(2 inch size) are virtually in constant lip lock.
I presume these are both males showing signs of dominance. At this stage i cannot tell which are male or females so i wouldnt be able to seperate them even if i wanted to.
Should i just leave them to it as it obviously goes on when im not there. Thanks
lip locking can be either a sign of 2 males battling it out for hierachy of the tank or it can a male and female testing each others strength in order to find a good mate.

i wouldnt worry too much about it unless 1 of the acara starts to look a bit battered and nipped. small fin tears and a few scales lost will heal pretty quick with fresh water. once established the battles should come to an end and you will have a dominant male or a pair or maybe just 2 fish that get on. time will tell :good:

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