Blue Acara X Green Terror


Feb 23, 2006
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Harlow, Essex
Well it was inevatable my green terror spawned with the blue acara and now I have fry there moving to a 40g tomorrow do you htink I should move the parents or 1 of or neither over aswell??? Im going to raise the fry just to see what they will look like now would they be green acaras or blue terrors lol. Any one interested in some fish???

Here is a pic of the fry.
I would be interested but i fear I'm a bit to far away :(.

Whe nI spawn, I usually keep the parents with the fry, but you oculd move the fry to the seperate tnak and raise htem up seperate. It would be less likely that the fry will get eaten by the parents.
They actually make quite nice crosses, I see them in the lfs from time to time.There was a pic floating about somewhere, i'll see if I can find it.If you dont want it happening again then might be better to keep them apart but yeh I would grow on some of the fry and see how they turn out.

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