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Aug 30, 2004
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well im not really sure how to use em, and i want to try to feed my cories bloodworms... im using freeze dried bloodworms but they tend to float! and my buenos aires tetra always gobbles it up.. even the sinking wafers !! even at lights out !! :( haha im getting frustrated
Try to buy some frozen blood worms instead. They float while still frozen but eventually sink to the bottom after a minute or 2. They are also more nutrious than freeze dried bloodworms i believe
Frozen is good, but thaw it b4 adding to the tank as it could cause gut problems.

Yes thaw bloodworms before you add them to the tank, I use a piplette or stringe and i add them to the tank that way you can skirt the bloodworms in the direction of the fish then.
hmm i haven't encountered frozen bloodworms here... just the live ones ? err... do i freeze them and feed them to the cory's or just feed em as they are ? :) or maybe there are frozen bloodworms and im just not lookin ... dunno
a lot of lfs have a freezer in there shop if you look in there you'll find blister packs of all sorts of frozen goodies( bloodworm,mosquito larvae,daphinia etc etc) for your fish although im not sure what your lfs is like obviously....might be worth asking next time your there. :)
If you can get them live it's even better
My lfs just sells them frozen though :(
ic ic, so in thawing i just leave it floating around a dish or something before introducing the bloodworms :) hmmm i really dunno how to feed em live ones, do i just let em swim inside the tank ? :) haha
The only trouble with live ones is that they can introduce harmful bacteria. Personally I prefer to thaw frozen ones on a plate in the morning, then feed them in the evening once a week. :nod:
ic ic ic , i should thaw em that long, i just thawed em for around 30 mins earlier in a dish of water ,and fed em ic ic thanks thanks :)
I feed frozen bloodworms to my puffers and other fish. I simply use a small container (mine is an old jelly jar 1cup) to fill with aquarium water and place the cube in that. When it thaws (30 mins or less) I dump it in the tank, water and all. :)
Yes you only have to thaw them 30 mins, I just happened to leave them all day coz I went to work. :nod: Work really gets in the way of hobbies doesn't it !!! :/

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