I recently set up an aquarium (26 gallon hex) and stocked it with six bloodfin tetras. One died the night after I put them in there. He acted kind of lethargic in the bag when I brought him home from the store, so I'm not sure that he was quite right when he was purchased. The other fish have been in the aquarium for two weeks and seem to be okay except for one strange behavior. One of the tetras likes to hang out near the surface of the tank while the other four hide under plants and driftwood at the bottom. If one of them comes out, the fish near the surface will chase them until they go back into hiding. When I feed them, the one at the top will chase all of the other fish into hiding and then head to the top to eat the flakes. When the flakes start to break into smaller pieces from him eating them, the others will all swarm out and eat the smaller pieces as they drift towards the bottom of the tank. Then, they will head back into hiding. The only time they deviate from this behavior is when all five get scared and school up during water changes. Is this behavior normal?