Bloodfin Tetra Disease?


New Member
Feb 10, 2007
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Miami, Fl
A few of my bloodfin tetras have been coming down with some type of sickness. Their face seems to be degenerating, like it's melting or something. now it's eye looks like it's falling off. I don't know what's wrong, my pH and everything is fine, and my other fish are doing fine, but just the tetras one by one are falling to this. I already had to put down one tetra and now I isolated another one, and I don't want to have to put down another one, but it looks like it's in so much pain. :no:
Thanks! No sign of rubbing or anything. It kinda flickers a little bit, and whats left of it's face is kinda white looking, like peeling skin.
So most of the face has gone sounds like a very bad strain of columnaris its gone to far now if most of the face has gone, this is going to sound awful but I would destroy the disfigured ones.
Any that might stand a chance need to get going on antibiotic but you must issolate them, as tetracyline will destroy your bacteria colony in your filter.
Do some daily water changes on your tank.

Can you get a pic up of the fish.
This is the only fish that has it at the moment, are there any precautions that I should take?

And I wasn't able to locate my digital camera but I did take a picture with my camera phone.

It's blurry but as you can see the eye is not normal, it's pretty much popped out and the tissue covering the eye is clouded and peeling off. I understand that I'll have to destroy it, I just wish there was another way to save it. I recently added these fish to have a small school in my aquarium, but now they're just breaking my heart.

Do you have tetracycline and can you issolate poor thing.
Have the fish ever had white specs on the eye.
It points toways bacterial to parasite, but I would defiantely get going with a good antibiotic on the fish in issolation.
Might even lose the eye to be honest.
I don't have any tetracycline, but I do have some Triple Sulfa tablets. It says that they are effective against cotton mouth disease, bacterial fin rot, body slime and eye cloud, and bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia. The fish is also isolated in a small container. I'm going to put a few plants in there to give it some cover and add my emergency filter to give it some air right now.
That will be fine the med.
Yes you must increase aeration good luck.
Off to bed now.
Hows the fish doing.
i would nt reccomend these they can get ill and diseased very easily and quickly go for hardier tetras

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