Blood Parrot Resting Near Gravel


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
Maybe this is not an emergency, and if so, sorry. But my red blook parrot chiclid these past few days seems to want to rest at the bottom near the gravel. I have not seen him do this, usually she goes in the inverted flower pot. She is basically resting almost completely on her side, very clsoe to the gravel, near the exact same spot.

This morning she was almost on her side, not far from another blood parrot, however anytime I approach the tank she then swims up and around as usual, and looks perfectly normal.
whats going on here? any ideas? Thanks!!
Hi again, any got any ideas? I notice the other blood parrot ciclid also near the bottom hanging out there. But when I approach, or feed, they are active and look healthy.

Im pretty sure its good. my water is always good. I did a test a few days go. But let me know do another and Ill report back!

ammonia is 0
nitrite is 0
nitrate is around 20

all other fish seem to behaving normal.

Here are two pictures I took of the fish:
Photo 1
Photo 2

How are your water parameters?
well, i came from work and found my previous angel fish dead! two of my parrot chic lids are laying near the gravel, sometimes on their side. I performed a 75% water change. Immediately after, their behavior improved. While one still seems sick and hiding near the bottom, the other two are swimming around. I will monitor and perform another water change tomorrow, 50%.

we were debating on using medicine. There is medicine that helps with bacteria or fin disease, common at petsmart. But I really dont want to use such things. We will wait till tomorrow and see what happens.

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