"bloo" - My Betta


New Member
Jun 13, 2011
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I'm new to the forum. I have a 65l tank with a number of communal fish, including "Bloo" my betta. I have had tanks before and had a red Betta many years back, and one thing I definately wanted was another Betta. I saw "Bloo" when I went to get some Assassin Snails, and couldn't resist getting him. He's a real character and will come and investigate my hand when im cleaning the tank out and feeding any frozen foods.

beautiful vivid shade of blue. I normally prefer red ones, but he's stunning :good:
Saltcod, thats why I noticed him. It seemed everywhere I had been had the purple and red shades of Betta, but he came up trumps as he is pure blue up to his gills. I have seen though a blue Betta with purple tail tips which looked nice
Im gutted totally. Got home yesterday to find Bloo just sat on a leaf, not his usual self. All he would do is surface, then return to this leaf. I gave him a very gently nudge out in the water, he swam realyl slow, then returned back to the leaf. Later he was going to the base of the tank, laying there then going up, gulp of air and back again to just lay there. I tested the water , nothing wrong there at all, checked all the fish and turned the power up slightly on the filter to make sure the water had good oxygen level.

As I fed the fish Bloo unusual to him just sat there. He is one that normally hunts the flake on the surface, or as it floats down.

This morning woke up to find him dead on the floor of the tank. Im so bloody gutted. I can't believe this has happened.

I checked him over, no bite marks, no ailments that I can see. all that seems different is one side of his face is a pale colour, almost light grey.

no other fish are ill, so I don't get what has happened. I wont replace him as yet, leaving the tank as is for a month to see what happens, if anything.

Sounds daft, but I take alot of pride in my fish, and want them to last out their life well. I don't see them as cheap or replacable. so you can imagine im pretty gutted today.

Oh so sorry to hear that. You must be gutted he was a lovely looking boy.

Lisa x
So sorry to hear about Bloo, maybe he had a problem when you brought him, i've had a few like that :sad:

:rip: Bloo :-(
Possibly yeh. Spoke with a guy I work with who is all a FEEK (Fish Geek). Said he had one do the same, and it seems Betta's go down hill quickly. Worst thing is that i've had him now for over a month, and he has been such a character to. It's whether the potential next one will be the same.

for now I will wait and see how the next month goes, if no other issues in the tank, then I will look around to find another Betta
I know how disheartening it is when you lose a fish precious to you. It's always your favourites.

It could have been a whole variety of things, maybe as has been said he had problems before but they didn't show until recently. There is alot of inbreeding going on when it comes to fish, especially bettas for the colouring, it could just have been a weaker betta.

Don't lose heart though. He died peacefully and was cared for

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