Bleheri In Sheffield


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi, I might order in some channa bleheri at Sheffield aquatics, minimum order is 6 but I don't want that many - unless there is no interest at all. This is basically a 'shout out' so if you want some bleheri, I can ask them to order them in for us.

Why not take the 6 and then you can put them all in a tank till you have a breeding pair then sell the rest?
If this had been about 4 weeks ago I would have gone in, but I have no room now.

If you don't want 6, I THINK I saw them at the Mill Garden Centre, this would be a few months ago mind. They had a tank full of them, £15 each if I remember right, might be worth giving them a ring if you can't find anyone to go in with you.
Ah, I couldn't remember exactly what type they were., just thought I'd tell you.
May be a tad too late but i got one today from a shop in Essex... £12.95 with lovely colours :D
Hi, I might order in some channa bleheri at Sheffield aquatics, minimum order is 6 but I don't want that many - unless there is no interest at all. This is basically a 'shout out' so if you want some bleheri, I can ask them to order them in for us.


I'd love a couple but too far away for me

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