Bleheri, Assam And 3 Reed Fish Dead!

Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Columanris can also look like the fish has been painted in tip x.

If you are treating for columnaris you need to use pimafix with the myxazin.
I had something similar with royal plec in last month, thankfully after full bottle of myxazin and regular water changes its back to normal but the dorsaland surrounding area all started wasting away

could it be cos the bleheri is suuposed to be in colder water?

bloody nightmare though problems like that
no rubbing just a bit grumpier, no redness, i will buy some pimafix tomorow, i guess i will just have to let it run its course and take it from there. Does that tonic salt stuff not help with open wounds?
It looks like a bacterial infection and could be Columnaris, which is a nasty bacterium that kills quickly. The fish might have been bitten or burnt itself on the heater and that allowed the infection to become established.
It could also have been poor water quality but the water stats seem fine and if the discus is happy, then it's unlikely to be poor water. Lots of gunk in the substrate and filter can encourage bacterial and fungal infections even if you do regular water changes. Do you gravel clean the tank when you do water changes?
How often do you do water changes and how much do you change?

The temperature is unlikely to be an issue.

The areas that have gone black is cell damage (like bruising). It can be caused by too many chemicals or just damage from the infection. The areas of concern are the white bits around the edge of the black part and above the eye. You will need to continue treating the fish until the symptoms are gone and the fish have been free of the problem for several days.

The medication (Waterlife Myxazin) should be fine but works best in clean tanks. Treating the fish in a bare quarantine tank is ideal. If you have to treat the main tank then you should do a couple of complete gravel cleans, clean the filter, and do a few water changes before starting the treatment regime.
Remove any carbon from the filter if you have any in it.
the bleheri is now dead, so thats 3 reed fish and a channa bleheri gone and now the other bleheri and assam now have same problem. Not looking good. Both fish now in hospital tank. Will continue with medications in the morning. Think my bleheri breeding programme is down the p**ser. The fact there doesnt seem like i can do anything to stop my favourite fish dieing is getting me down now, i feel like throwing in the bucket! Good job im not 1 for giving up!

im sorry we all could't help you fully dave, i know it can be very disheartening been there,but keep ya chin up and try again thats all you can do mate

sorry again :thumbs:
Sorry to hear he didnt make it, I really hope the others pull thru - good luck.
ya did help really because before i asked i never had a clue what it was and now i know, just went to lfs but forgot it didn't open till 2, i think life itself is trying to p**s me off right now lol, yeah i hope they make it, i only saw it on them because i have been looking at them very carefully, hopefully i have caught it on these two quick enough to save them! i think i might turn the temp down a couple of degrees over the next day or so as the Channa can cope with cooler water whereas the disease might not!
i just can't understand this, fair enough reed fish can be quite temperamental not much of a shock when they died as they was very badly affected, but Channa? these guys go through all sorts and come through sparkling on the other side, i have a discus, 4 pictus cats, pink tailed characin and more that are far more delicate than the Channa! i have to more or less disinfect my hands after i've been in the big tank so as not to let it spread to the other 5 tanks, that would be a disaster! i am determined not to loose any more fish to this! ima kick its ######!
so when i go to the lfs at 2 im needing some more myxazin and pimafix right? anything else that anyone can suggest? would adding salt help their skin? the tonic salt stuff, i've got some from the lfs but don't want to put it in if it won't help! mabe bath them in salt water for a few minutes? i just need to no i'm doing all i can and if they don't make it i need to know i did all i could as i know i caught the disease on the 1st bleheri far too late!
thanks a lot guys
Just those two meds should do it, columnaris doesnt like cooler temps allegedly, but dont take it too cold, as they are not used to it and you want to avoid any more stress to them.
i think its common for them in the wild to live in temps as low as 18 c but i might slowly take mine from 21.6 that it is now to about 20 c.
anyway i shall go pick up the meds at 2 and give them todays dose and then see how it goes from there, i'll keep you informed of how it goes!

Hi Dave.
Sorry to hear of your loss.
I have too many tanks and monsters to name here, but my Bleheri hold a special place in my heart, and I know how I would feel in your shoes.

Please don't give up though. These are special fish, kept by a certain "type" of fishkeeper.

Hope the rest pull through ok, and I have my fingers crossed for them all.

Also, I may be wrong here but I always thought salt is pretty much deadly for SH, so check before doing a salt bath!
yeah cheers for that, i wasn't gonna just chuck it in, just trying to find every possible thing i can do to save them. i'll never give up! just get down when things like this happen. move forward! there is a quick way of learning. from your mistakes and experiences!

right just got back from my lfs with a big bottle of myxazin and a bottle of pimafix, i dosed the hospital tankwith the channa in but am not sure what to do with the main tank they came out of? no fish in there look to have the disease but am i to treat it as with the channa with both the myxazin and the pimafix or just 1 or the other or something else?????
darn it dave sorry to heat this mate, yep another snakehead keeper gutted here for you mate :good:
can't remember, have you joined snakeheaduk?if not do it, there's some great guy's<breeder's over there who know a thing or three :good: :good:

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