ya did help really because before i asked i never had a clue what it was and now i know, just went to lfs but forgot it didn't open till 2, i think life itself is trying to p**s me off right now lol, yeah i hope they make it, i only saw it on them because i have been looking at them very carefully, hopefully i have caught it on these two quick enough to save them! i think i might turn the temp down a couple of degrees over the next day or so as the Channa can cope with cooler water whereas the disease might not!
i just can't understand this, fair enough reed fish can be quite temperamental not much of a shock when they died as they was very badly affected, but Channa? these guys go through all sorts and come through sparkling on the other side, i have a discus, 4 pictus cats, pink tailed characin and more that are far more delicate than the Channa! i have to more or less disinfect my hands after i've been in the big tank so as not to let it spread to the other 5 tanks, that would be a disaster! i am determined not to loose any more fish to this! ima kick its ######!
so when i go to the lfs at 2 im needing some more myxazin and pimafix right? anything else that anyone can suggest? would adding salt help their skin? the tonic salt stuff, i've got some from the lfs but don't want to put it in if it won't help! mabe bath them in salt water for a few minutes? i just need to no i'm doing all i can and if they don't make it i need to know i did all i could as i know i caught the disease on the 1st bleheri far too late!
thanks a lot guys