Black, Swolen Lump On Betta's Body?


New Member
Oct 29, 2010
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It started out with finrot, then what I thought was septicemia (see my previous thread for back story.) To make a long story short, I treated my betta for septicemia with Kanamycin for about a month (as per my LFS' advice), only to discover later that my dude was just changing his colors naturally. After realizing this, I stopped treating him and waited for his back fins to grow back. They never did, however. Instead, they started habitually flaking off in chunks. (I would notice slivers in the gravel when doing water changes.) Furthermore, the end of his body began to turn black. at first I thought that was just part of his natural color coming in, but the more time that passed, the less normal it looked. A few days ago, I noticed it had swollen up a bit. At this point, I have no idea what could be wrong, let alone how I can treat it. I put him back on Kanamycin for five days with no noticeable improvement, and have since stopped medicating. The only thing I can think of is a tumor. Any ideas, guys? I feel absolutely terrible. :(

Here's some photos to give you an idea. The change happened so gradually that I didn't notice how bad it was 'till I compared the photos. I feel like such a terrible owner. :( :( :(

These are from about a month ago:



These were taken today:



I understand these photos are absolutely terrible, but believe it or not, it was the best I could manage. I also drew a picture which I hope will help:



Forgot to include water parameters. Nothing has changed since my last thread. 0 ammonia/nitrite/nitrates. Furthermore, he is not acting like a sick fish. He is still very lively and eating well.
Hy! I'm terribly sorry for what you have to go through.
First of all, I have to appology for my English, but this is not my language.
I want to help: have you heard about the JBL company? It's from Germany and they really do have great products. For example, I would start looking for JBL Furanol or JBL Ektol. However, they have many products, for many typs of illnesses, you have to check out (maybe someone here will help you), to find out what it is with your dearest friend and then you'll find at JBL many great medicins. The Furanol is a great antibyotic for a large pallet of illnesses, maybe you should try it, but it would be better to know the diagnosis first, so many antibyotics aren't good for such a small and fragile body. I'm sorry, I can't help you more, please check out for this firma on google!
I wish you all the best for your dearest.
It started out with finrot, then what I thought was septicemia (see my previous thread for back story.) To make a long story short, I treated my betta for septicemia with Kanamycin for about a month (as per my LFS' advice), only to discover later that my dude was just changing his colors naturally. After realizing this, I stopped treating him and waited for his back fins to grow back. They never did, however. Instead, they started habitually flaking off in chunks. (I would notice slivers in the gravel when doing water changes.) Furthermore, the end of his body began to turn black. at first I thought that was just part of his natural color coming in, but the more time that passed, the less normal it looked. A few days ago, I noticed it had swollen up a bit. At this point, I have no idea what could be wrong, let alone how I can treat it. I put him back on Kanamycin for five days with no noticeable improvement, and have since stopped medicating. The only thing I can think of is a tumor. Any ideas, guys? I feel absolutely terribly. :(

Here's some photos to give you an idea. The change happened so gradually that I didn't notice how bad it was 'till I compared the photos. I feel like such a terrible owner. :( :( :(

These are from about a month ago:



These were taken today:



I understand these photos are absolutely terrible, but believe it or not, it was the best I could manage. I also drew a picture which I hope will help:



Forgot to include water parameters. Nothing has changed since my last thread. 0 ammonia/nitrite/nitrates. Furthermore, he is not acting like a sick fish. He is still very lively and eating well.
Oh dear it doesn't look good :-( I hope some of my advice can help if you haven't already done this......Have you given him a water change ( I know this can stress them further) raising the temperature to 27-28c to help his immune system and have you added pure sea salt 1 teaspoon per gallon and a drop per 2 gallons of methylene blue. Maybe you could get professional advice from a vet that deals in fish or a fish wholesaler they should have an idea what may be the cause. There are so many problems that effect fish its hard to give a good diagnosis. He's a tough little cookie at least you are trying, keep going somethings bound to work. :)
Oh dear it doesn't look good :-( I hope some of my advice can help if you haven't already done this......Have you given him a water change ( I know this can stress them further) raising the temperature to 27-28c to help his immune system and have you added pure sea salt 1 teaspoon per gallon and a drop per 2 gallons of methylene blue. Maybe you could get professional advice from a vet that deals in fish or a fish wholesaler they should have an idea what may be the cause. There are so many problems that effect fish its hard to give a good diagnosis. He's a tough little cookie at least you are trying, keep going somethings bound to work. :)
I've been doing regular water changes, although I've been worried about adding any more medications to his water since I don't know what's wrong with him. Especially since I'm thinking this may have been caused by the Kanamycin in some way. He seems to have movement in the affected part of his body, but the blackish area is expanding to the rest of his body, and the fins around it seem to be chunking off. Maybe all I can really do at this point is wait to see if things get better. I feel a little helpless. :(
have you posted this in the emergency forum? also might be worth trying a specialist betta forum for adivce

i've never seen anything like it, poor lil guy, hopefully we can find a cure
have you posted this in the emergency forum? also might be worth trying a specialist betta forum for adivce

i've never seen anything like it, poor lil guy, hopefully we can find a cure
Yeah, I posted this in the emergency forum two days ago, but no one's responded yet. I'll try looking for a betta specialist online as well, thanks for the advice.
No idea what could be wrong. Sounds like maybe some kind of necrosis going on. If it is, I have no idea how that would be treated.

Is the tank you have the betta in cycled? 0 nitrates is very rare in a cycled tank. If the tank is not cycled, you may think you're keeping the ammonia down, but it builds up EXTREMELY quick.
Not saying this IS the problem, but may be something to consider that water quality may not be helping matters.
Im at a loss so havent responded. Never seen anything like that before. Normally I would say some sort of bacterial infection but the Kanamycin should have helped some, but then it could be a resistant strain of bacs or one that isnt affected by the drug. Im tempted to say it might be some sort of fungus (no not the white kind) or as mentioned in another post some necrosis from unknown cause.
Best of luck. At a loss, so sorry if the post isnt very helpful.
all the best

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