Black Shark

Well it isn't really ok since the tank you were advised that you need has to be at least 6ft x 2ft x 2ft.

As much as you may love your black shark and want to keep him, if you can't get a big enough tank you will really need to consider rehoming him before he gets too big. Apart from how bad it is for the fish, do you really want to sit and watch a miserable fish sit in its tank looking bored. I wouldn't. If it were me I would trade the shark in for some smaller fish that will appreciate the new tank you are getting and will be healthier, more active and interesting. There are plenty out there!
aylana- good suggestion..if you really arent going to buy a 6fter you need to rehome him, think about it if your bedroom was just big enough to walk up and down in and you were in there 24/7 would you be happy or would you want something a little bigger with more space to move!
Edurad2 if your in any dought of the growth of black sharks
here,s mine at 20in, do you realy want one of these monsters? :D


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