Black Or Purple Emperors?


New Member
Feb 5, 2008
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I recently set up a tank for my daughter to enjoy. It is cycyled, 10 gal and heated to around 77 degrees F (can adjust this temp if this is not good?) There is a black background, dark blue gravel, some plastic plants, as well as driftwood and java moss. The filter is a sponge. The one fish in there now is a male betta. I want to get a school of six tetras and i have decided on the emperors. The store has either the purple kerris or the regular blacks, both 6/$24. I have never owned this type of tetra so I was wondering if one or the other would be more suitable for this tank? Also is one species hardier than the other? Thanks for any info you can provide.
its entirely up to you as they are about the same to keep. Normal emperors get a bit bigger and the males get a filament in the tail. Kerris are a bit small and bluer. They both like the same conditions and do as well as each other.
oh and male emperors have blue eyes and the females have green.

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