Black neon tetras

I set up the tank about a year ago. It used to have plastic plants, bridge, house, and gravel. A few months ago a decided to go with a more natural look so now I have fluval plant substrate, topped with white sand, driftwood, and 2 Amazon swords. I have more plants that are on the way to help spread out the fish and five some hiding spots. These plants are Anubias nana petite, Java fern, golden creeping Jenny, red myrio, and a cryptocoryn plant that I ordered as a mystery so we will see what kind it is. I am not sure if all these plants come as a small bundle or a single plant I’ll have to see when they get here. The tank is overstocked at the moment. I have 4 neon tetras, 3 red and yellow von rio tetras, 6 black neon tetras, and
4 serpae tetras. I know the tank is way over crowded and most of these fish are supposed to be in schools. I only have this many fish because I did a cross country move last summer. I only had 5 red and yellow von rio tetras and 2 otocinclus at the time. Both otocinclus died before I moved and 2 red and yellow tetras have died since I moved. I had moved all the fish from a 29 gallon which are all the other fish except the red and yellow tetras into my 10 gallon because I lived in a tiny town with one fish store but I don’t think the guy would have taken good care of them if we’re to re home them. I am not sure what to do I don’t really want to re home the fish because I have become attached to them but if I have to I will. Another problem with re homing the fish or donating is I only have 2 big box stores in my area who don’t take good care of their fish, so I wouldn’t want to do that either, so I am kinda stuck. My house is currently pretty small and we don’t have enough room for a larger tank I just want to get a beta tank and call it good for now. Sorry this is kind of a lot but I need some advice. The pictures aren’t the best. All the fish like to cluster underneath the driftwood when the light is on I’m not sure why. I am thinking maybe they are scared of the light and are trying to take cover so I am thinking about getting some frogbit or red root floaters.


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