Black Light?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 2, 2008
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i saw a black light in my lfs today and have no idea about them, could soneone explain what they do, benefits? effects? tropical fish or marine? aswell as a normal light?
they just look interesting so...

oo also, whats the verdict on air stones...i found my old one nd put it in today nd my festive chiclids seem scared and unhappy, should i take it out?


SORRY SORRY SORRY, just realized i was in the pictures section
i saw a black light in my lfs today and have no idea about them, could soneone explain what they do, benefits? effects? tropical fish or marine? aswell as a normal light?
they just look interesting so...

oo also, whats the verdict on air stones...i found my old one nd put it in today nd my festive chiclids seem scared and unhappy, should i take it out?


SORRY SORRY SORRY, just realized i was in the pictures section
theres no such thing as black light so i dont know what you mean...are you sure it wasnt blue?
In marine aquaria they help to show off the flouresence on corals, especially when all white lights get turned f/w they may have an alternate use
Truck they are a strong uv output tube similar to those used in bank note scanners or in clubs and bars
how do i delete this post, dont wanna be shouted at by the officials
blacklight is more of a us term for uvlight as the glass that is used appears black even though its a very deep purple
it catches the biofluorescence of the corals
but they emmit UV-A which Prolonged UV-A exposure from a florescent blacklight will no doubt damage your fishes eyes the same way it will damage your eyes. You are looking at the things lit up by the light, but keep in mind you are pointing it at the fish.
yep, the cover glasses over the tubes in the lighting units is apparently supposed to cut this emmission down quite a bit, although still illuminating the flouresence off the corals. Being burned later at night most of the fish are already hidden away in the rock work.

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