Black Ghostknife

i have to ask an honest question, which of my fish is the gymnorcorymbus ternetzi?
Gymnocorymbus ternetzi is the species known variously as the black widow tetra, petticoat tetra, black skirt tetra, black tetra, jellybean tetra and God knows what else. Hence my preference for the Latin name. That way everyone knows what we're talking about.

If you aren't familiar with the Latin name of a fish, Fishbase is your friend, as is any half-decent aquarium book.

Cheers, Neale
i have to ask an honest question, which of my fish is the gymnorcorymbus ternetzi?

If your skirt tetras are what I think they are, they are the G. ternetzi. Do a google image search for "Gymnocorymbus ternetzi" and see if that's your fish.

their not in the tank with the bgk, they are in the tank with the firebelly newt, and they have never bothered him.
What kind of "botia loach" do you have? Most of the Botiine loaches should be kept in groups of at least five :good: That aside, sounds like you have a cool tank :)
"nmonks" said:
It's also worth saying that these knifefish don't grow especially fast, and in fact most people don't have the skills to keep them alive for very long

While other peoples experiences might fit with that statement, unfortunately mine doesn't. From 3" to approx. 12" in 12 months is fast imo.
"nmonks" said:
It's also worth saying that these knifefish don't grow especially fast, and in fact most people don't have the skills to keep them alive for very long

While other peoples experiences might fit with that statement, unfortunately mine doesn't. From 3" to approx. 12" in 12 months is fast imo.

As I said, my current one grew from 2 1/2" to 7" in 6 months and my previous one grew at an inch every 3 months, so growth rate can vary dramatically between specimens.

all i know for sure is that's he is a blue berry botia loach and he spends most of his time hanging out with the bgk.

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