black ghost knife mates?


It's not just about having room to turn, how would you like to live in a room less than 5 feet wide. I would say that 24 inches is necessary to give them some sort of openness. I wouldn't put them in anything less than a 6 x 1.5 x 1.5, but then I like to make sure my fish have room rather than cramming into the smallest tank someone says they can go in. The question here is, are you a fish keeper, or a fish haver?

Also, that Silver Tip catfish, do you have a better ID? All I can find similar on Google is the Columbian Shark Catfish which will reach 14" and needs to progress through brackish into full marine salinity in adulthood. So that would have to go for a start.

With the silver tip and the BGK you have 32" of fish already. Not to mention your 10 gallon is over stocked. If you want the BGK that much you really should buy another tank. They are also fairly soft. I lost one transferring him from an 85 to a 150 gal (UK) tank at the weekend, the only casualty. One of my smaller two died not too long after being introduced to the grow out tank. I don't think it will end happily with your tanks setup as they are, but I'm sure that since we haven't all said yes you will go away for a week and come back and ask again.
i do listen to everyone;s posts, because that is why i asked the question, to see what people have to say

You only seem to listen to the people who say what you want to hear.

The BGK is a bad idea for the current stock AND the BGK. Your 60 is too small for it, you've crammed far too much into your 10G just to add more fish to another tank. Don't buy anymore fish until you have enough room for ALL your fish, not just the newest and coolest one.
ok i am taking out the paradise fish in my 60 gallon, and i am seeing what i can do about my silver tip catfish/shark ->that is what it is labled, i know there are a lot of ifferent types, but it is the same thing as the columbian :) I will wait off for the BGK to see if i can either make a lot of room for him, or get a bigger tank. How does this sound for my 60 gallon:

60g - Fully Planted with Real Mopani Driftwood
1 Blue Gourami F (Spot) -> Might be taking him out... all ready have 2 pretty blkue gouramis
1 Gold Gourami F (Bananas)
1 Pearl Gourami F (Loch)
1 Powder Blue Gourami M (Dori)
1 Red Fire Dwarf Gourami M (Nemo)
1 Dwarf Gourami M (Flow)
1 Opaline Gourami F (Surf)
1 Angel M (Spaz)
4 Baby Clown Loaches (Bobo, Gizmo, Bozo, and Gonzo)
1 Silver-Tip Catfish F (Bruce) -> May be moving out :(
1 Clown Pleco (Stripes)
1 Rubbernose Pleco (Pucker)
1 Synodontis Eupterus (Spike)

Any other suggestions for my tank? Thanks for lal the help so far, sorry if it seems i dont listen...
@ombomb said:
i do listen to everyone;s posts, because that is why i asked the question, to see what people have to say

You only seem to listen to the people who say what you want to hear.

The BGK is a bad idea for the current stock AND the BGK. Your 60 is too small for it, you've crammed far too much into your 10G just to add more fish to another tank. Don't buy anymore fish until you have enough room for ALL your fish, not just the newest and coolest one.

I totally agree ^^^^, u have got the idea of bgk and so kicking all your other fish in to a jam jar just to try to make room for it.
Only way you can make ENOUGH room is to buy a 400litre minimum tank.
what about one of the moderators that made the bgk profile here, he has 2 ina 55? i am just wondering if it is ok in a 60 for only one
what, this profile? the one that says:
Care: The Black Ghost Knife requires a tank that it can turn around in which should have a width of 24 inches. Although they can be raised in small tanks, you must upgrade to the BGK's full size eventually. A tank size of 80 Gallons is sufficient.
Note: A weak electrical sense guides the BGK around the tank, the fact that two BGK's can be kept in one tank is a controversial one. Usually you must have a larger tank (75Gallon+) to support more then one BGK, however nothing is certain.

your tanks are too small to accomodate a BGK.
but that person that wrote that also has:

50 Gallon Freshwater Tank
1 x Crowntail Betta Splenden
1 x Unknown Gudgeon
1 x Bristlenose Pleco
1 x Bala Shark
2 x Adult Angel Fish
2 x Clown Loaches
2 x Black Ghost Knife
ok i have taken out quiet a bit of fish, i took out my:

albino paradise
blue paradise
2 adf
4 cories

to make room, so this is what i have now:

60g - Fully Planted with Real Mopani Driftwood
1 Blue Gourami F (Spot)
1 Gold Gourami F (Bananas)
1 Pearl Gourami F (Loch)
1 Powder Blue Gourami M (Dori)
1 Red Fire Dwarf Gourami M (Nemo)
1 Dwarf Gourami M (Flow)
1 Opaline Gourami F (Surf)
1 Angel M (Spaz)
4 Baby Clown Loaches (Bobo, Gizmo, Bozo, and Gonzo)
1 Silver-Tip Catfish F (Bruce) -> I may be taking this fish out because of requirements when older
1 Clown Pleco (Stripes)
1 Rubbernose Pleco (Pucker)
1 Synodontis Eupterus (Spike)
3 Ghost Shrimp (3 Stooges)

is this ok then?
I'm afraid not, your clown loaches need alot of space each, 20gal approx.

Get rid of the clowns and possibly the synodontis may get too big, not sure on the adult size (too lazy too look).

Apart from that it looks ok to me.
bet you a quarter those aren't adults in there. really, just accept the fact that your tank isn't going to cram in a BGK. :flex:

why not just get a brown knife? :) its more appropriately sized for your tank, less likely to eat all your fishies, and going to exhibit most of the same behavior of a BGK. read Fruitbat's post on correctly identifying the smaller species and have at it! i know petsmart carries brown knives too; i see them all the time. :nod:
ok well a brown knife was my second choice, but i just lvoe the color and the way they eat out of my hands at work...
i now have 3 baby clown laoches, i got rid of one, and the syno gets to 8, but mainly 6 inches in an aqaurium. What else should i move?

also, what if i make it only 2 clown loaches, would 2 babys grow up together happy?
Just wondering why you have now opened a fourth post on this topic??




Unfortunatly, no matter how many times you post the question, or until you make some vast reductions in current stock levels or possibley even get a larger tank, then it would not be wise to purchase a bgk.
No one can stop you if its what you really want but think about the fish, if its unhappy being couped up with not enough room, then its gonna get stressed. When stressed its more likely to get a illness which could possiably kill it, also infect and possiably kill other tank mates. Is it worth the risk and more importantly the hurting of the fish????
Think about what it really is you`ld like to keep, i know how hard it is, theres so many cool and interesting fish out there that we all want one of each :p but when space is limited we have to make the best educated decision, trying to remember the most important issues, the biggest being the wellfair of the fish.

Thanks for listening to my early morning ramblings everyone, but i just feel 4 posts asking exactly the same thing is enough.

I honestly don't mean to be rude, but I don't think you should get any kind of knife fish right now. You clearly need to do a lot more research into these fish and also determine why you really want them. I notice you have been asking questions about various different oddballs, so suspect you are just wanting the novelty of having something unusual in your tank.

I recommend you do a lot of reading and see what sort of fish you really want. Then sit down and work out whether each option is genuinely feasable or if not, if you have the finances (and commitment) to put together the right setup. :)
all right i will hold off on the knife and everything else, i will look around and research more, sorry everyone if i upset you or anything. I just see thanks that have them and i wonder "how come i cant have it?" thanks again everyone!

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