black ghost knife mates?

The clown loaches will eventually outgrow your tank and should be in a group of 5.

It may take a little while for the BGK to grow, but even then what will you do at that time? You've asked this question 3 times nowbut the answer remains the same. The fish in that tank are not compatible with a BGK, especially the number of them.
It's true, ANIM4L, you do have too many fish in the 60gal to add a BGK.

If you are able to now or in the near future, why don't you set up another tank (large enough to house a BGK, 75gal+ is good) so that your Knife will have a happy, stress free environment in which to grow. Then you could even add a few more clowns and bring their number up to 5- I am sure they would also live a lot better like that when put into a group into a larger tank :nod:
Ok i will look into getting a few more clown loaches then, if that is what you all suggest, i mean the two seem happy, but if that is what you think, then should i? I GUESS i will live without the BGK... i just love them so much... i cant get another tank, dont have the space for it or the money.

If i add two ro three more clown loaches, will my tank be super crowded?i know right now it is ok, everyone gets along fine and everything id going fine... but will it be too crowded with one, two, or three more loaches?

What if i combine a couple other types of loaches? I know there are types that are smaller, what if i got a couple smaller versions, would they both be happy or what do you all suggest? Please help me!
The tank is too small to hold adult clown loaches anyway, but don't worry too much yet, they are one of the slowest growing fishes in the trade.

I would definately recommend more clown loaches as they are a very sociable species that do not do well without tank mates.
I sold my BGK on Saturday, I had it for about 5 months and I loved it, definately my favourite fish - unfortunately it was growing quite fast and I knew it would get to a point where fish would disappear and re-homing would be difficult.

I doubt you'll have problems with gouramis, mainly fish around the 1" size would disappear at some stage.

If you have a tank with enough capacity to let it get to full(ish) size (I've heard 15" in captivity but can be 22" in wild) then go for it but make sure your other tank mates are 2"+

I had two but one died - mystery. I wouldn't particularly recommend 2 as you're looking at 44gal taken up with 2 fish! You could have a shoal of 40+ neons etc for that. It depends entirely on what you want to achieve.

I love oddball fish, I just haven't the room for them - if you do then go for it, but just remember, they will grow, and don't give yourself a couple of years 'till they're at a certain size, mine grew 2" in 5 months.
ok may be i will transfer all my small fish, like my cories, and the frogs, i could transfer them over to my small ten gallon, they are my girlfriends fish anyways, so i will put them in her tank, anything else you see that i should move?
ok i ahve decided to go through my tank and take out my ADF and anything else i feel as though should be moved, i want one really bad and i know my tank is a little crowded so i will be moving things around :) i will may be get a 20 gallon and trade it for my ten gallon tank, i mean i dont need it, but may be if i did, then i could easily move some fish over to it, and then make room for fish, i know my tank is a little crowded and i know i should move things, so i think i will be making a move from my ten to a 20 and then moveing some fish over. anyone else have opinions on that or the bgk?

i think i will move the baby clown loaches i have too, i have 4 and they are only 1 inch big, should i mive them??? i wont be getting the BGK for a couple days, and wheni do i will get the smallest one i can find, the petsmart i work at has some around 4-6 inches, but i know i can find smaller :)

I am getting ready for a BGK and i was ready and posting info and questions and i now know i need to move some of my fish. This is my current 60 gallon tank set up:

60g - Fully Planted with Real Mopani Driftwood
1 Clown Pleco (Stripes)
1 Rubbernose Pleco (Pucker)
4 Clown Loaches (Bobo, Gizmo, Bozo, and Gonzo)
3 Ghost Shrimp (3 Stooges)
4 Palateus Cory (Shark Bait Family)
1 Blue Gourami F (Spot)
1 Gold Gourami F (Bananas)
1 Powder Blue Gourami M (Dori)
1 Red Fire Dwarf Gourami M (Nemo)
1 Dwarf Gourami M (Flow)
1 Albino Paradise Gourami M (Casper)
1 Paradise Blue Gourami F (Sparkle)
1 Pearl Gourami F (Loch)
1 Opaline Gourami F (Surf)
1 Angel M (Spaz)
1 Silver-Tip Catfish F (Bruce)
1 Synodontis Eupterus (Spike)
2 African Dwarf Frogs (Duck & Hopper)

Now the Things i was thinking of moving into my 10 gallon tank were the African dwarf frogs (they may be seen as a snack), the 4 Baby clown loaches (they arent even 1 inch yet :)), and the powder blue, red fire, and dwarf gouramis, because then i get more room in my tank (i know i am stuffed, i just needed a little psh ;)). The shrimp i dont care about at all, i mean i work at petsmart so i get shrimp for nothing practically and they could be a good meal for my bgk!:) I all ready moved the 4 cory cats, they were black so i moved them to the ten gallon because it was white sand and they looked better, and i switched them with 4 albino cories, so i have white fish on blakc sand, but i am thinking about taking them back out. So this would be my current set up of my tank (i organized it for everyone)

60g - Fully Planted with Real Mopani Driftwood

1 Blue Gourami F (Spot)
1 Gold Gourami F (Bananas)
1 Albino Paradise Gourami M (Casper)
1 Paradise Blue Gourami F (Sparkle)
1 Pearl Gourami F (Loch)
1 Opaline Gourami F (Surf)
1 Angel M (Spaz)
1 Silver-Tip Catfish F (Bruce)

1 Clown Pleco (Stripes)
1 Rubbernose Pleco (Pucker)
3 Ghost Shrimp (3 Stooges)
1 Synodontis Eupterus (Spike)

So would that be ok for my tank set up? Would it be ok for a BGK? how much more room do i have for top feeders? Thank you so much, any replys would be greatly appreciated, this is kinda urgent for me, i want everyone to be situated and ok :)! Thanks a lot everyone!
The shrimp i dont care about at all, i mean i work at petsmart so i get shrimp for nothing practically

Great advertisment for Petsmart there!

I think most things in that tank will be a pretty reasonable snack for a good size BGK. The loaches in a 10G...? For how long? Your tank, from what I know about BGKs, is too small as I think they need something which is 24 inches wide.


...aren't silver tip catfish brackish?
10 gallon tank were the African dwarf frogs (they may be seen as a snack), the 4 Baby clown loaches (they arent even 1 inch yet ), and the powder blue, red fire, and dwarf gouramis, because then i get more room in my tank (i know i am stuffed, i just needed a little psh ).

now your 10g is horribly overstocked!
idk about the black ghost knife cuz it gets pretty big whens it an adult and it will eat the ghost shrimp.
i think i am going to leave the gouramis in the 60, i may be taking out the paradise fish, im not totally sure yet. The whole shrimp thing is that i only got the shrimp as clean up crew and ghost shrimp at petsmart are 30 cents, so it isnt a big deal if i lose them, they would be a very good snack for my fish, so its ok, i can always buy more :)
how come, i know i dont need 24 inches to have the turn, considering they turn any which way, they can swim at any angle and whatnot, but what other reasons are there, i do listen to everyone;s posts, because that is why i asked the question, to see what people have to say

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