ok i ahve decided to go through my tank and take out my ADF and anything else i feel as though should be moved, i want one really bad and i know my tank is a little crowded so i will be moving things around

i will may be get a 20 gallon and trade it for my ten gallon tank, i mean i dont need it, but may be if i did, then i could easily move some fish over to it, and then make room for fish, i know my tank is a little crowded and i know i should move things, so i think i will be making a move from my ten to a 20 and then moveing some fish over. anyone else have opinions on that or the bgk?
i think i will move the baby clown loaches i have too, i have 4 and they are only 1 inch big, should i mive them??? i wont be getting the BGK for a couple days, and wheni do i will get the smallest one i can find, the petsmart i work at has some around 4-6 inches, but i know i can find smaller
I am getting ready for a BGK and i was ready and posting info and questions and i now know i need to move some of my fish. This is my current 60 gallon tank set up:
60g - Fully Planted with Real Mopani Driftwood
1 Clown Pleco (Stripes)
1 Rubbernose Pleco (Pucker)
4 Clown Loaches (Bobo, Gizmo, Bozo, and Gonzo)
3 Ghost Shrimp (3 Stooges)
4 Palateus Cory (Shark Bait Family)
1 Blue Gourami F (Spot)
1 Gold Gourami F (Bananas)
1 Powder Blue Gourami M (Dori)
1 Red Fire Dwarf Gourami M (Nemo)
1 Dwarf Gourami M (Flow)
1 Albino Paradise Gourami M (Casper)
1 Paradise Blue Gourami F (Sparkle)
1 Pearl Gourami F (Loch)
1 Opaline Gourami F (Surf)
1 Angel M (Spaz)
1 Silver-Tip Catfish F (Bruce)
1 Synodontis Eupterus (Spike)
2 African Dwarf Frogs (Duck & Hopper)
Now the Things i was thinking of moving into my 10 gallon tank were the African dwarf frogs (they may be seen as a snack), the 4 Baby clown loaches (they arent even 1 inch yet

), and the powder blue, red fire, and dwarf gouramis, because then i get more room in my tank (i know i am stuffed, i just needed a little psh

). The shrimp i dont care about at all, i mean i work at petsmart so i get shrimp for nothing practically and they could be a good meal for my bgk!

I all ready moved the 4 cory cats, they were black so i moved them to the ten gallon because it was white sand and they looked better, and i switched them with 4 albino cories, so i have white fish on blakc sand, but i am thinking about taking them back out. So this would be my current set up of my tank (i organized it for everyone)
60g - Fully Planted with Real Mopani Driftwood
1 Blue Gourami F (Spot)
1 Gold Gourami F (Bananas)
1 Albino Paradise Gourami M (Casper)
1 Paradise Blue Gourami F (Sparkle)
1 Pearl Gourami F (Loch)
1 Opaline Gourami F (Surf)
1 Angel M (Spaz)
1 Silver-Tip Catfish F (Bruce)
1 Clown Pleco (Stripes)
1 Rubbernose Pleco (Pucker)
3 Ghost Shrimp (3 Stooges)
1 Synodontis Eupterus (Spike)
So would that be ok for my tank set up? Would it be ok for a BGK? how much more room do i have for top feeders? Thank you so much, any replys would be greatly appreciated, this is kinda urgent for me, i want everyone to be situated and ok

! Thanks a lot everyone!