Black Ghost Knife Fish

it depends on wot other fish u have in with it but id say give him 1 a day and maybe 1 late on a night but i just give mine 1 a day n feed it catfish pelletts etc its an omnivore so it will eat anything, meat or veg. change it around, i block of bloodworm n then veg stuff like pelletts etc. wot else have u got in the tank?. and when every1 was argueing i think its safe 2 say that each fish has different personalitites. mines really timid n gentle but i bet when its bigger it will be like most fish " if it will fit in his mouth he will eat it "
BIG SHARK :good:
I've just got a bgk, and was just reading the above post, in my tank i have an angel, 2 gouramis, 5 barb 2 swordtails clown loaches, and most of them seem to eat all of the bloodworm when i put it in, seems my bgk never has a chance. I also try and put some catfish pellets around the area he's in. Do you think it would be better to maybe get some frozen beef heart and try handfeeding??? Or do i just leave it??
I have had a BGKF for about 10 days now. Initally he didn't get to eat anything, as he was too shy to come out at feeding time. In the end, I held some bloodworms right up to where he was hiding. He pecked at it a bit, so I just deposited the bloodworms in there for him to finish off. After doing this for a few days, yesterday I was in a hurry, and I didnt' feel like putting my whole arm in the tank, so I just dropped the brine shrimp that was on the menu into the tank with all of the fish. I saw the BGKF couldn't resist venturing out and having some shrimp at feeding time. After tea he likes to sneak out and clean up any crumbs on the tank floor. He is a lot more adventurous since I got rid of the black, red tailed shark I had. I noticed he picked on everyone, including the BGKF, so I asked the LFS to take him off my hands. Now my BGKF has taken over the tank castle, and is much braver to come out after tea.
Sorry to bump the old thread.
I have a BGK for about 3 or 4 years now, he's really tame, will swim among my fingers when in the tank and is a really active fish. Mine is 5" in length and I have him in my Vision 180 with a brittlenose and another catfish. I'd like to add some other fish but I'm afraid he'll eat any young fish I add to the tank. Any suggestions or experience?
My BGK likes to lay on his side occasionally as well.
Lol ima dig this back up, ive had my BGK for about 3 years and a year after i got him i saw him yawn, was also quite surprised. Feed him bottom feeder pellets, ghost shrimp, and he probably eats the guppies i put in there to, hes in a 75 gallon, which i would say is min for these guys as they get a foot or larger and its hard for them to turn in anything smaller. I would also say they would eat anything that fits in their mouth which again looks like a small hole but goes quite far back, they are also pretty much blind so what ever fits in there they try to eat, they use electrical organs to find pray like the elephant nose fish, they do eat froze to, he also eats cut up tilipa or other fresh caught or frozen fish. Amazing fish to own, not so hard to care for, just need the right supplies for these amazing fish, not really meant for a community tank.

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