Black Ghost Knife Fish

yeh i see Silva_Fishy's tanks regulary and if anything he wont even hurt a live bloodworm(he only likes em frozen :D ) i recomend to anyone that they should get them.
Silva_Fishy said:
DISREGARD THE PREVIOUS INFO!!!! I have a BGKF in my tank and he is the best, active, kool fish i've ever had!@!!!!!! Feed them blood worms tho
Disregard this information at your own risk, if you want to take the personal experience of one person who has what it seems very limited knowledge of fish or fish keeping then thats up to you, personally i would preffer to take the information of the many people who have kept this fish and found them to be predators of smaller fish.
I take offence from that, I currently own a fish store, am probably over 5 years of your age and own my own fish site.

Yeah right :lol: thats why your asking questions about whether you can keep scats in your 15 gallon fresh water aquarium, not to mention the fact you are keeping a BGK in there that should really be kept in a 55g minimum, if you own a LFS then i really pity your customers.

As for age my grandmother is older then i am but it doesnt mean she knows anything about fish or fish keeping.
You'd do very wisely to listen to CFC. I know for a fact that he knows what he is talking about and I know for a fact that other experts in this field would willingly back him up. Why do you think he runs this forum. So if your so experienced in keeping fish and you own your own fish store why on earth don't you know that Scats are brakish water fish that will grow to over 10". And I will vouch for them eating small fish, Knife Fish are predators and a 10"+ predator dosen't pass up the other of food believe me I have seen it happen.
i just had to dig this up and start a fight :lol:

thanks for the info CFC! my books always seem to contradict each other what type of fish do you currently keep CFC?
what type of fish do you currently keep CFC?

I wont bore you with a complete list of all my fish and tanks but in my main tank i currently keep 3 shovelnose catfsh, a liearus pictus catfish, a jardini arowana, 3 bichirs, a pike cichlid, 2 satanoperca jurapari, a siamese tiger fish, a assortment of other medium large catfish and 3 eels which i cant catch, i also keep 2 other species of pike cichlid, a true garfish (aligator gar/florida gar hybrid :angry: ), a green spotted puffer, dwarf snakeheads, various cichlids and characins, 3 species of gobie and some more catfish plus loads of other more community type fish in my various tanks.
all those in your main tank?

how big is it?
Only these
3 shovelnose catfsh, a liearus pictus catfish, a jardini arowana, 3 bichirs, a pike cichlid, 2 satanoperca jurapari, a siamese tiger fish, a assortment of other medium large catfish and 3 eels which i cant catch,
are in the main tank, not the whole list. The tank is 205 US gallons.
hehehe guy dont get so mad at Silva_Fishy. He's just muking around.(sorry bout that he wont do it agen). He only owns a 2 foot 15 gal tank. But he does own a bgkf and it doesnt hurt anyone. and no he doesnt own a lfs. well he wishes he does.

heheheh sorry agen about him

Their mouths are very small

have large mouths

So who's right? Honestly, I've read more info supporting Sondan. From what I've read most people seem to say that BGK are different than other knife fish (clowns, etc) and are significantly smaller, with smaller mouths.

Will they eat other fish? Probably, they're predators. But a large mouth? Seems to be lots of information to contradict that.

Note: I personally have no hands on experience with these, I only know what I've read. And I've read a lot as I'm currently working towards getting one of these for my 55 gallon a few months
I supose it depends on what you are using as a guide as to how large a "large mouth" is, yes they have smaller mouths than clown knife fishes but their mouth is still considerably large and quite big enough to swallow fishes up to around 3" when full grown. To fully appreciate the size of a BGK's mouth you have to see one yawn, when i kept one a few years ago i didnt realise just how wide that mouth could open till i witnessed this one day, it was really quite impressive and if you read what kind of fish i like to keep you will realise that large mouthed fish are not something im a stranger to.
My badis badis is ohhh say 2 1/2 inches long and when it fully opens it' mout it could probably fit.. a danio in. I've seen this fish chase guppies, and I must say, when closed it looks small but when open :crazy:
i got a BGKF yesterday and the aquarium shop owner said i needed to feed it frozen blood worm. i bought about 10 cubes, and i was just wondering how often to feed him?

Many thanks Jamie

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