Disregard this information at your own risk, if you want to take the personal experience of one person who has what it seems very limited knowledge of fish or fish keeping then thats up to you, personally i would preffer to take the information of the many people who have kept this fish and found them to be predators of smaller fish.Silva_Fishy said:DISREGARD THE PREVIOUS INFO!!!! I have a BGKF in my tank and he is the best, active, kool fish i've ever had!@!!!!!! Feed them blood worms tho
what type of fish do you currently keep CFC?
are in the main tank, not the whole list. The tank is 205 US gallons.3 shovelnose catfsh, a liearus pictus catfish, a jardini arowana, 3 bichirs, a pike cichlid, 2 satanoperca jurapari, a siamese tiger fish, a assortment of other medium large catfish and 3 eels which i cant catch,
Their mouths are very small
have large mouths