Inbreeding is in no way a positive thing. Take for instance the
Ngorongoro Lions, these lions are trapped with in
Nogorongoro Crater, which is I think around 100square miles.
This crator contains about 150 lions, who's ancestors were from the
Serengeti Plain. These lions are bigger than those seen on the plains as they do not have to go too far, or exert themselves too much to catch food, but due to massive inbreeding over the years these lions are now in grave danger of being killed off.
The reasons they could all die is that their immune systems are all exactly the same, so if a virus or infection got into the valleys, brought by humans or bird etc, and the lions didnt have immunity to it, they would all be wiped out.
Now on the plains, this virus may be there too, it may wipe out a few lions but there is a chance, which is no existant in the crator, that there are lions who are immune. Therefore these lions survive and breed, thus producing some immune cubs. Survival of the fitest.
Now the point made here is, inbreeding even if no physical abnormailities appear internal genetic flaws will appear in greater number, and then you may end up with a lot of dead fish. You see this point in guppies and many live breeders, their immune systems are more or less no existant due to years and years of inbreeding, guppies were once thought to be hardy fish, but now your water needs to be perfect for the to survive for more than a year, in some cases more than afew days.
If inbreeding was a good thing, why do you think it is illegal, forget immorality, its illegal for the same reasons as I pointed out above.
As for this stupid arguement over 'man-made'
Man-made: not of natural origin; prepared or made artificially;
ok lets look at this, '
not of natural origin' means it didnt occur naturally. Hence line breeding, selective breeding. Selective breeding is geneticially modifing fish in its basic form. '
Prepared or made artificially' again selective bred.
I am sad to say this sue, but you seem to be arguing for agruments sake, you make little to no points at all with the frivolous attitude and comments you have put forward about this statement. You have been getting people backs up, apologising and then making the same comments again. You say yourself, you can ID fish at all, and then you argue that the ID you have been given by one of the real experts on this forum, is wrong? I dont know what you are trying to acheive by this, apart from annoyance.
I have had no issues with you in the past, and I do enjoy the friendly banter we have, but you have really rubbed me the wrong way in this thread and I had to respond.
Anyway, to NEONCORY,
C. trilineatus are completely different to C. julii.
C. julii are much smaller, they have very fine spotted markings, which are a brown colour, where are C. trilineatus have a map work of marking which is black, and they tend to be much larger, (deeper bodied) than C. julli.
I have seen picture of a spotted variety of C. trilineatus, but I think this is either a different speciesmis labeled, or maybe a subspecies.
As for have to disect a fish to identy it, many fish can be identified by the naked eye. You can do this my counting the ray in the dorsal fins, counting the scales along the lateral line, as well as the obvious body shape, and markings. I'm sure there are more ways to ID without a microscope. I doubt you can identify a species by chopping it up though, but i could be wrong