Bit Of Help And Advice Needed........

Hi there, just to let you know, i have a 250 Litre tank about 3 1/2 feet long, it's stocked with all sorts of community fish angels, neons, mollys etc, i alos have a male and two female bettas in there, they have been there for several months now and are happy swimming around all over the tank eating fine, and i have not had any trouble with them at all so i would say yes it would be fine to add othere fish to a bigger tank with a betta in

Um...Sue. I think he/she was saying, "You could divide the tank into three 5-gallon sections and put one betta in each compartment. Or you could have one betta with peaceful fish. OR you could have a group of females in the same tank." It was just translated/spoken poorly. :p

Hi Kyrielle

When I posted my first question, that is what I thought: he is just being unclear. But his reply above seems to be very clear: he has mixed male and female Betta, angels, tetras, mollies all in the same tank and is recommending that others do the same.

" i have a 250 Litre tank about 3 1/2 feet long, it's stocked with all sorts of community fish angels, neons, mollys etc, i alos have a male and two female bettas in there, i would say yes it would be fine to add othere fish to a bigger tank with a betta in"

That is irresponsible.

I am sorry, all: fishboy, kyrielle, and any who followed this with confusion or thought that fishboy's post was danny's reply to my question. :blush:
Uh Sue, you directed your reply to fishboy619, not Danny4. Are they the same person?
Uh Oh!! Oops! :blush: They are not the same that I know of. I confused the two posts! My very BAD!!!! Danny's post followed my question, and I was so :hyper: I did not check the posters carefully. I broke my own rules

So Sorry, fishboy!!!!!

My apologies, fishboy! If you do indeed mean to be suggesting a triple divided tank then of course that is reasonable, although many have had some issues with that arrangement.

I will edit my post so it will all be totally unclear. haha Thanks, heatmisr!

This is my second apology this morning. sigh
Uh Oh!! Oops! :blush: They are not the same that I know of. I confused the two posts! My very BAD!!!! Danny's post followed my question, and I was so :hyper: I did not check the posters carefully. I broke my own rules

So Sorry, fishboy!!!!!

My apologies, fishboy! If you do indeed mean to be suggesting a triple divided tank then of course that is reasonable, although many have had some issues with that arrangement.

I will edit my post so it will all be totally unclear. haha Thanks, heatmisr!

This is my second apology this morning. sigh

Come on, cheer up. :p You have the advantage of anonymity and for everyone to follow the advice that everyone should take emotions on a forum as worth a grain of salt. =)

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