Birdies! (and A Horse!)

love the colors i really like the last one of him eating oatmeal
do all birds like oatmeal cause my cockatiel is very a very picky
here is a pic of him i was trying to figure out how to make it my avatar
but icoudent figure it out.

oh haha that's biscuit and coffee i thought
it was oatmeal :S :look: :lol:
Sent you a pm on how to fix your avatar :)
Lovely cockatiel! Whats his name? My birds eat anything.. Especially stuff they're not supposed to eat... :rolleyes:

Lovely ringneck bloozoo! :D I had one of those years ago when i knew nothing about birds. He was an aviary bird and evil so we ended up taking him back and swapping him for Molly (hand reared green cheek conure) and then i realised that if you buy birds that are hand reared they dont bite so much :rolleyes:

Here's a really bad pic of my Ringneck Nelson :lol: Way back before they had digital cameras (in my house anyway!!lol)


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great pictures. adorable birdies! what kind are they? what breed is your horse? I have a bay also. He's off the track. and a cutie little red dun filly. ok. she's not really a filly anymore. she's 4years now. but she's still the baby!! :wub: i'll have 2 post some pic. soon!

Ozzy is a green cheeked conure and Kai is a blue throated conure :) The horse is a connemara. He used to do showjumping and eventing and stuff but he's in retirement until i've finished uni :lol: He's getting old now anyway :rolleyes:
Lovely ringneck bloozoo! :D I had one of those years ago when i knew nothing about birds. He was an aviary bird and evil so we ended up taking him back and swapping him for Molly (hand reared green cheek conure) and then i realised that if you buy birds that are hand reared they dont bite so much :rolleyes:

Here's a really bad pic of my Ringneck Nelson :lol: Way back before they had digital cameras (in my house anyway!!lol)
:lol: yeah my pic was a scanned film/negative pic too - before I had a digital camera. Hence the not so great detailed quality. Yeah, Bob was hand reared since a hatchling, so he was super tame and didn't bite at all. He was a fabulous talker and such an amusing/entertaining bird. But they demand so much attention, and when my sister and I left the country, my mom was left on her own to look after him - and as she was working, he didn't get the attention he needed and became quite "difficult". So she rehomed him to a little old retired lady with all the time in the world for him :)

I think many people don't realise how much attention these birds require and hence many end up in rescue centres.
Thats exactly the problem. People buy a handreared bird thinking that its just the same as the birds they see in pets at home only it wont bite them, but theres a big difference between a hand reared bird and an aviary bird. People just buy them to have them out for half an hour every few days then stick them in a cage the rest of the time :( But they're so intelligent and they bond very closely to people that they need to be handled everyday!

I picked up one unwanted bird that had been bought hand reared, it was too demanding so they bought another hand reared baby and stuck it in a cage with the other one and then they both got very aggressive and noisy so were no longer wanted! I really had to bite my tongue with that! What do they expect when they buy two birds and stick them in a cage together 24/7?! Of course they're going to be noisy, and by not handling it they're not going to remain tame :rolleyes:

I used to hate having to pick the birds up and act sympathetic when the people who claimed to be 'bird experts' who had had birds all their lives were saying how awful their 'pets' were... The annoying thing is that they always seem to go on to buy another bird as its always the faulkt of the unwanted bird, never the owner.. :rolleyes:
sisco is my cockatiel's name i forgot who asked that but anyway here are my other
two birds sky and kiwi.




here is a better one of sky

thank you bloozoo2 :D ;) :) :D

oh yea your an old member and have lots of posts i had another screenname
and i could not get back in because i switched emails and password lost there
anyway whatever happened to bettamomma. i was great reading her threads
and got me to get out there and get some walmart bettas which i still have two
of them.

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