Birdies! (and A Horse!)


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Jan 17, 2005
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Dont think i've posted these pics and i cant sleep so thought i would :D

Here's Kai:


And Ozzy:


Kai (and Charlie!)


Oz, Kai & Charlie!


My favourite pic, im going to blow it up huge, print it out and frame it :lol: My two boys are soooo cute! :wub:
Oz and Kai:


Kai preening Ozzy's head


Ozzy mid-shake


And landing


And last one.. Kai looking pretty :wub:

Wow they are gorgoues :wub: Kai especially is very handsome. What kind is he ?
Your landing pic is fab :thumbs:
Gorgeous, colorful guys! I agree on the 5th pic; it's a great shot of both of them and their profiles. Pet of the month nomination from me!
Gorgeous, colorful guys! I agree on the 5th pic; it's a great shot of both of them and their profiles. Pet of the month nomination from me!
Seconded!! :nod: :hyper:
Thanks everyone :D

Kai is a blue throated conure :wub: He's my rare one, Ozzy is just common :lol: They're both on my shoulder preening each other now - Disgusting public displays of affection :lol:

Thank you for the nominations!! :D
Kai is just so amazingly beautiful ! I'd really love to have one :( (but know I can't for several reasons).

:eek: Are you saying Ozzy is "common" - I'm sure he'd be mortified if he knew that ;)
Dont get a BTC! :crazy: They are absolutely mad! And such hard work! :lol: I love kai - but he is SO hyperactive!! I dont know how i'd have coped with him if he didn't have Oz to keep him company too! He's like a hyperactive 3 year old, he just doesn't stop :blink: At least with the two of them they can 'explore' together and be happy :lol: But he is an adorable little guy though!

I'd recommend a Green Cheeked conure (Oz) everytime! They're the best little birds :D Are you going to get one?! :D

And Oz is very common, you can pick him up in any parrot shop for about £120! Bless him :lol: But of course i'd never say that to him - He has a sharp beak :crazy:
Are you going to get one?! :D
I really would love to - but only if and when I can provide the right setup. In a 2 bed maisonette with an indoor cat, that's a most definite no-no :crazy:

But once we move house (hopefully later this year) and get an actual house with loads more space & garden etc. I'd seriously love to. The only obstacle is convincing the other half :shifty:
:lol: Natsuko! Trust me, those two birds would go with anyone, no loyalty! My other parrot would remove your fingers though ;) Such a sweet little guy! :lol:

Bloozoo - I find the best way of introducing new pets is to buy it, and its cage, put it in the house and then wait for the other person to mention it. Just say you've had it for a couple of weeks and its not your fault they're not observant enough to notice it! Plus, its not really fair to take it back after two weeks for no reason so you HAVE to keep it :lol:
I bet they wouldnt go with anyone really! They'd miss you too much

I like your methods too of claiming to have things there a while! I used to do that with mice or hamsters claimed they were school pets (looking after for holiday) and of course they never went back! Still do it to this day and I'm 24 (not allowed any more pets not even meant to have anymore fish (yeah right) :angry: )
Great pictures what does the horse think of the Birds?My 16.2 mare has a serious love affair going on with a cockeral :lol:


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Oh yes, they would go with anyone believe me :lol: They wouldn't go anywhere without each other (they're in love, bless!!) but to them im just the person who supplies the food and cleans their home out :lol:

I wasn't allowed anymore birds but somehow a big cape parrot and Kai turned up out of nowhere :rolleyes: ;) lol

Graham - Charlie loves all other animals, except other horses! We have 24 chickens and they're 'his' chickens - He herds them :lol: And he's good with the conures cos they do climb on his back and stuff :rolleyes: He hates people though!
We had a Ringneck (called Bob) and he would absolutely scream his head off and went mental if anyone but my mom tried to pick him up or put their hand in his cage. And he would only ever talk to my mom (or for her). The real funny thing is, she didn't even particularly like the bird ! :lol:
He also went mad if we didn't let him join in on coffee and cake :lol: (bad habits I know, but so cute)

Hope you don't mind piggy-backing your lovely thread Jess, but though you might find it cute.
Here's Bob having some coffee and cake (he would actually dip his little piece of biscuit in the coffee :eek: !) .


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