To be honest, I found watching this evenings 10 o'clock news nothing short of hilarious.
Seeing exactly how pathetic the media in this country really is amused me, I sat there and asked my two completely non-biological housemates if they knew why there was a big green sphere with purple circles and red spikes on it behind the cheif veterinarian? Of course they didnt, but an artists impression of the H5N1 virus was still there as big as the bloody moon simply to cause fear over the unknown. Cheap tricks sell papers.
Sadly the public feel they arent being given enough information, whereas they are, it's just they dont understand it. People think eating chicken will infect you with "bird flu" and people are being led to believe that if your cat or dog catches it then it can automatically pass it on to you. Already the news readers are talking in that tone of blame, asking various pretend experts why they think this wasnt confirmed faster than in 7 days, demanding to know why the scientists at the facility which tested the swan were not working at the weekend!!! All it's really about so far is who can we blame for some birds flying here already with a disease that we had no way of preventing happening. I can bet you someone's resignation will be being called for soon enough, that always solves everything apparently.
The long and short of it is, thusfar there is nothing to be afraid of and there is no way that any of us can medically prepare for a possible mutation that has not occurred yet. The most you can do is restrict your cats and dogs access to the outside and that is all.
Sorry everyone rant over! B)
P.S: Sorry Graham I probably sounded horribly callous there! So long as you follow the recommended guidelines and even if your birds are outdoors, they should be in an enclosed area covered over with netting so that no wild bird can come in contact with them, until you're ordered to bring them indoors you are doing your best

I honestly hope that no ones pets do fall foul of this potential disease.