Some species of plecos and other fish seem to have aquire a taste for slimecoat of other fish
Is a mucous created by the continal replacement of glandular cells know in the fishes skin hat produce a glycoprotein which is called mucin.Areas of the amazon where a number of plecos exist there is little in the line of protein based foods.Plecs are very adaptable to feeding on availiable food sources and one is the mucus coating of other fish,There is good evidence of these fish doing this in the wild and plenty of evidence of these fish doing this in captivity.There It really would not be a suprise to find that mucus feeding is a common feeding method in many Loricariidae catfishes.These fish are really not obligate herbivores.
While members of the Ancistrus seem to not to be attracted to slimecoat.The removal of slimecoat is bad enough,but the slimecoat will be replaced fairly quickly the real damage is done by a pleco rasping teeth which can delaminate the sclaes of a bichir leaving it open to a variety of infections-Anne