
shrimp & snails produce little ammonia so you should be ok, you would be better going for a 300l/ 80g to be on the safe side, lighter stocking is better for planted tanks
What shrimp and snails am i thinking then?

The wild-type version of the Cherry Red Shrimp (Neocardina denticulata) might come close to the biotope you're going for, but the wild-type is practically impossible to get. The ones available at stores have been bred to enhance the red color. If you don't mind that, go for them in my opinion.

Malaysian trumpet snail would be a perfect fit. You can sometimes find nerite snails (bigger than trumpets, diurnal, beautiful, excellent algae-eaters) from Asia, but the commonly available Neritina snails are unfortunately African species.
Now I just need to ge some assorted crypts and the tank/ equipment then I'm done :)


If you go through with this, it'd be awesome if you started a journal here. Your plan sounds perfectly doable, yet it's also very unusual and exciting. I for one would be really interested to see how it goes.
theres a section at the top of this forum, called planted tank journals, create a post in there then update it with more posts/edits as you progress.

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