Enthusiastic "Re-Beginner"
Yes, we remember that crazy Magnum 350!
And its true, as we said above, that lots of materials will hold a biofilm and cycle, so yes, carbon will cycle just fine. But its a question of what will be really good for you in the long run and will maintain its mechanical integrity over time. You can even put plain old cheap aquarium gravel in a filter and it will form a biofilter - there are some, no doubt, who will be satisfied with that as their biomedia.
And its true, as we said above, that lots of materials will hold a biofilm and cycle, so yes, carbon will cycle just fine. But its a question of what will be really good for you in the long run and will maintain its mechanical integrity over time. You can even put plain old cheap aquarium gravel in a filter and it will form a biofilter - there are some, no doubt, who will be satisfied with that as their biomedia.