big tank shots.

BOD said:
whats the 5th fish from the bottom?
he would be a Polypterus palmas poli aka Marbled Bichir. there's also and senegal and ornate but all the cichlids kept on getting in the way for the shot :rolleyes:

thanks everyone for your replies, i guess better quality pictures really make a difference.
:hyper: Is that a datnioides microlepis?! I love those things!!! :p
L52? Thats a butterfly plec (I was admireing one on here ealier...

Ah ha - L152.

Planet catfish might be interested in a few piccy of him - they only have one :thumbs:
(P.S. looks like he can hold his own in a fight!)
smithrc said:
L52? Thats a butterfly plec (I was admireing one on here ealier...

Ah ha - L152.

Planet catfish might be interested in a few piccy of him - they only have one :thumbs:
(P.S. looks like he can hold his own in a fight!)
Ah yes thats the one, bought him a while back so slipped my mind!!

i'll have to get some descent shots of him then post em up on there.

Only thing is he mainly only comes out when the blue light is on and when it's feeding time, he just cruises along and sits on something meaty.
Cool shots mate, now if only the fish stayed still! (Thatyll never happen.... :lol: )

I think that you should clean the glass before pics though! ;)
What is the ray-like fish? He's wounderful.....and what size is your tank?
i was thinking that Andy, although some one must of read my thoughts as i was going to do that next time if response was low this time round!

i was thinking of nicking the cats next mouse she brings in and chuck that in see what the arowana makes of it, probable a huge mess!!

the ray like fish is a ray!! a stingray to be exact. it be a 60x32x24" tank, 210 gallons.
From what Paul has said in the past Im pretty sure the apollo and the aro dont get along to well, the aro took a disliking to the shark I think -_-

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