Little update on a few things...
With the big Rio in the same area of the house than the small Rio i thought id try and link them someway in doing a similar setup.
I was going to go down a different route and do a full on cichlid style tank design but with me recently rescaping the 180 from a breeder to a community tank its inspired me to do the 450 likewise.
180 got rescaped about 7/8 weeks ago with a nice chunky piece of driftwood and i planted around the background quite heavily. Just love watching this tank with the colours and the movement.
Got some giant vallis coming for the 450 to fill left hand corner. Ive added more "Bocourti" friendly plants in crypts (Wendtii,Beckettii,Pontederiifolia) and 2 or 3 types of swords. im also trialing some hygrophila siamensis 53b and Polysperma.
Fish are looking good and seem to like the new set up
And final update is my little Ellioti babies

Tough getting pictures of these guys because their tiny and my phone struggles to focus lol. Think these are around 2 months old and im now trying to introduce new foods to them.