Had a busy few days setting up my new upgrade for the barbs and im glad to finally get stuck in.
Thought id do another journal because i like to look back through to see the progress the tanks made and if anyone can take something from it then thats a bonus
So tank arrived Thursday, after work i manged to get it in the house
View attachment 133491(This tank is a monster, makes my roma look like a fish bowl)
I built the cabinet and removed the Juwel internal filter, which wasnt as easy as i thought and a tad stressful lol.
Next day i spent from 7.30am to 8.15pm setting everything up. Had some issues on the way with the background and External heater. I used poster fix this time round to secure the background.....awful stuff

just left smear marks so i ripped it off and started again.
Tanks up and running with substrate and hardscape in place. Its in a fresh cycle so the barbs will stay in the 200 for a little while longer. Need to sort heating out and get some plants ordered but im happy-ish with the start of this tanks journey.
View attachment 133489View attachment 133490