Big Cory


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
in the LFS yesterday i spotted some gorgeous cory's identical colouring to the standard bronze cory but at least twice the size of the bronze cory think they were £4.95 each i would of loved some but scared my 15G was too small for them to live with egsisting cory's

really sorry i didnt take a note of thier name but can anyone think of the cory im talking about or does anyone keep them, please share pictures if you do :)
Is this what you saw?:


The 2 bigger ones are Brochis Splendens and the smaller one is a Bronze C. Aeneus. What you saw was probably labeled as "emerald green" or "green" cory. It was actually probably a Brochis. I have a lot of more pictures if you want me to post some more :good:
hmm id love one but would one be happy on its own it will have the 2 bronze and 2 albino to hang around with or will he feel like the ugly duckling size wise
hmm id love one but would one be happy on its own it will have the 2 bronze and 2 albino to hang around with or will he feel like the ugly duckling size wise

In my opinion, I dont think your tank is quite big enough (if they are going in the 15 gallon). They can get up to 4" and need lots of space to swim. They can be very skittish and might run into things. I wouldnt keep them in anything smaller then a group of 2, but they probably would prefer a bigger group of say 4 to 6. The ones I have were the only 2 they had at the time and when I get a bigger tank or move the clown loaches to the bigger tank, im going to increase the numbers. They actually sit in the back corner of the tank with the clown loaches behind some plants and fake driftwood.

EDIT: Spelling
Is this what you saw?:


The 2 bigger ones are Brochis Splendens and the smaller one is a Bronze C. Aeneus. What you saw was probably labeled as "emerald green" or "green" cory. It was actually probably a Brochis. I have a lot of more pictures if you want me to post some more :good:

Hi Barracuda518,

Thats a lovely pic of your bronze cory and brochis splendens. :) How big is the bronze cory and brochis splendens? The brochis splendens looks much bigger than the bronze cory.

Could you please post more pics of your corydoras? I've also noticed that you have Corydora Trilineatus, do you have pics of these too? I am thinking about getting these too...

Hi Barracuda518,

Thats a lovely pic of your bronze cory and brochis splendens. :) How big is the bronze cory and brochis splendens? The brochis splendens looks much bigger than the bronze cory.

Could you please post more pics of your corydoras? I've also noticed that you have Corydora Trilineatus, do you have pics of these too? I am thinking about getting these too...


Thanks for the nice comments. The Brochis Splendons, as you can see are bigger then the Bronze. I have had the Bronze for well over a year now and they were quite small when I got them. The Brochis will always be bigger then the Bronze cories.

As for the C. Trilineatus, they are a great cory. I also use to have Corydoras paleatus (Peppered), Corydoras arcuatus (Skunk), Corydoras leucomelas, Corydoras melini and Corydoras melanistius, but traded them a while back for some loaches. I love the loaches, but I miss the cories too.

I can get some more pictures if you want me to :good:

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