exactly my point he doesnt have that tank yet so whats the point in planning
so whats the point of a stock list
what if he see something he likes but wont buy it because its not on his list
IT TAKES YEARS TO STOCK A 450g ITS NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN JUST RIGHT UP A LIST THE GO BUY IT WITH A 450g you will have a half empty tank for years to come
what im trying to point out hear is their is no point planning ahead as far as 2 yrs THINGS CHANGE as already state he is thinking of going to uni has he talked to his family about looking after a 450g tank when hes away at uni
Hes brainstorming. Why cant he just go out and stock the tank in one weekend if he wanted to? Your attitude of planning is pointless is really irrational. I plan vacations 2 years in advance thats not pointless. I plan many things ahead. I had a 125 gallon tank that i planned for and saved for over 2 years. It wasnt stupid on my part. I am now quite pleased.
As for you dislexia, Its not dislexia your just an idiot. My 5 year old cousin has dislexia and she can spell a hell of a lot better than you can. And yes there are treatments for people with dislexia.