no not at all if you do you resurch to start and not ask someone else to stock the tank for you like you are doing
He was asking for suggestions, not for someone else to come up with a stocking list. First you tell him not to research and now you say to do it?
if you are a big man that can set up a 450g then you should be a big man who can sort out stocking if not your are not ready for a 450g
Because asking for suggestions means one is not mature enough for a large tank. That makes sense.
their will always be mistakes you may get a aggressive butterfly or killer endy who knows until you try
True. But you can prevent problems that will happen no matter what by asking.
and i take being called a retart as a big insult how many times do you think i was called that at school
I'm sorry that happened to you, but I thought you were a 'big man'? Wy does it bother you so much?
if my spelling pisses you of so much get on to the mods about getting a spell cheack added thats how i get buy in life now
Or you could just get one for free that's built in to your web browser, instead of making William add one.