
i would suggest a bio cube if you want something of that nature.

Indeed- if you do a comparison of price, filtration, size and suchlike, you'll soon see that the newer 'cubular' tanks are far better. You can get something the same volume as a Biorb, in glass, with a power filter in the hood (or facilities to use an internal), with more swimming space, for half the price.
Maintenance is pretty easy though to replace the filter every 4-6 weeks can prove costly.You have to be careful in your choice of fish , I found that species such as neon tetras just sat at the bottom of the orb and rarely moved.
i woulnt recommend changing everything in the filter because that sends your tank into a mini cycle i think

Mine has been running close to six months and ive never changed the filter, i just rinse the sponge part in old tank water when im doing a water change. my water stats are always spot on.

Maintenance is pretty easy though to replace the filter every 4-6 weeks can prove costly.You have to be careful in your choice of fish , I found that species such as neon tetras just sat at the bottom of the orb and rarely moved.

This isn't correct, the ceramic media is where the bacteria is located and this stays in the biOrb and isn't removed. The filter cartridge is removed to clear all the waste.
basically they're goldfish bowls with an undergravel filter. not sure quite why this should command such a high price tag but there you go!

i think they're ok, they look nice and provided you stock sensibly (i.e. to the filters capacity not to the capacity of the volume of water) they can run nicely.

personally i wouldn't get one as I think you can find soemthing nicer which can hold more fish or be more stable for the same money, however for an experienced fishkeeper with more than a couple of brain cells to run together they should be ok ;) :lol:
I've always thought biOrbs are monstrously overpriced for what you actually get.
You're right, you're not supposed to! They supply their own 'ceramic media' in which lives the good bacteria ... this ceramic media is quite big ... which makes the tank impossible to keep clean in that you can't hoover it with your syphon ... this was one of the most annoying things about mine because all the leftover flake would go down between the rocks and it was really hard to clean out without stressing all the fish out! :angry:

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