Bgk, Oscar's + Arowana

8ft is a good length, but your biggest problem will be the mere 19" of width.

How do you expect a 20" fish to turn around in there? Plus the fact that this is, as you say, the smallest fish in there.

Ok when we bought this tank there was another tank but it was 4ft long bye 2ft wide and 3ft high would this have been better????? :-(

nope, the one you have is much better, but still not quite wide enough for the larger fish,

also just to let you know the BGK wouldn't be the smallest as the oscars would probably max out at 14inches, however with the BGK its not a case of everything else is larger its the fact that everything else is more aggressive.

Edit: what are the smallest fish that the BGK is in with at present?

its in my corner tank at the mo in a comunity planted with plant and rocks but hes getting big enough to eat the tetras if not already!
the silver shark is getting to big for it to!!!! :sad:
Please help i cant put them in if they are not gonna be happy for at least a couple of years!!!!!
This is not meant nasty but im just gonna get straight to the point. The tank you have gone out and bought is basically crap it is such bad dimensions that it can not be used to house large fish. Your silver arowana will get to round 40" and wont take longer than 18 months to hit 24" if water quality and feeding is good. As for keeping to oscars with it I can see from the pics of your 2 oscars you already have problems with them they shouldnt be kept in pairs one will kill the other. As for the ray question thats out of the equasion aswell there is no such thing as a miniture ray the minimum width should be about 30" for the smaller speicies although some people keep retics and scobina in 24". As for the BGK I dunno how that will get on but you either need to rehome your fish or get a bigger tank and to keep a full grown silver aro you will need a 96x36x24 if you want to keep other fish in with your aro you need to go deeper than 24" aswell as the aro will dominate the upper levals so if you want other mid swimming fish you need to go deeper.
Wel We are gonna go ahead with the 8ft tank as planned, We are gonna stock it with Oscars, Arowana, Silver Shark (barla), BGK, Jewel Chiclid there will be cover of Rocks and some caves also some pipe for the BGK!

The filter will be an FX5 so if we upgrade the tank up the filter should be fine!
small crushed shell (gravel), two 300w heaters and an internal filter or power head for current!

Please feel free to comment we will update pic as soon as we have progress!

Sid.Sarah :lol:
As for keeping to oscars with it I can see from the pics of your 2 oscars you already have problems with them they shouldnt be kept in pairs one will kill the other.
I know this is a faily old post, but just thought i should say i disagree with this comment. my 2 oscars do the facing each other down and lip locking thing, its part of their mating behaviour. many people keep 2 or even more oscars together without problems, although large they are not actually a hugely aggressive fish. my 2 have been together for 2 years so far and to begin with they fought like crazy, we seperated them with a glass divider when one of them got really beat up and kept them that way for about a month, then put them back together again and had no problems since. they have little spats occasionally, but like i say when they do we know we will be seeing eggs soon!
Don't have the arowana, its not right to keep it in a tank of 19" width. I would even say its cruel.
Hello time for an update,

To start mark was right about our oscars the bigger did nearly kill the other only i came home b4 he finished the job and saved it!

But it was past saving and i had to put it to sleep this morning so im feeling like a crule fish keeper today!

the Arow CFC has told us this morning that he will rehome it for us as we do not have the space yet for the tank it needs for life!!!!

And now thats all i can say today as im utterly depressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sarah! :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
to tell the truth a 24inch aro will be ok in a 19inch wide tank BUT silver aros grow to 42inch even more is possable

silver aros are fairly flexable and they can turn in a very small space

but its probably best if you sell the aro now as a 24inch silver aro is very hard to rehome
The arowana is going to be coming to me, it means that i'll have to find another reasonably large one before i can introduce it to the main tank so that any aggression is spread between 3 of them but it will be fine in the 200g for a few months until that happens.

What have i let myself in for :crazy:
There are always loads of 12"+ ones on AC mate.

Yeah but most of them seem to think they are a rare valuable fish and are asking for silly money for them :lol: really they should be offering people money to take them off them :hyper:
Hey you know we really are greatfull that you will rehome him and that we will be able to see him on line when he is full grown!

Its a very cool thing to do for him/her and us!!!!

Thank you very much!

We are going to the lfs in the morning to get a box for it!

will he need a heat pack?

Sarah and Sid :good:
Nope you dont need a heat pack fill the box with enough water to cover the fish and seal him in or get 2 large bags put him in it place him in the box pad out around him and off you go. Personally if im not driving far (2hrs or less) I just put them in a polybox but to be honest I think with aros you would be better bagging them so you dont bang him around in the box and risk damaging its barbels.

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