Fish Fanatic
8ft is a good length, but your biggest problem will be the mere 19" of width.
How do you expect a 20" fish to turn around in there? Plus the fact that this is, as you say, the smallest fish in there.
Ok when we bought this tank there was another tank but it was 4ft long bye 2ft wide and 3ft high would this have been better?
nope, the one you have is much better, but still not quite wide enough for the larger fish,
also just to let you know the BGK wouldn't be the smallest as the oscars would probably max out at 14inches, however with the BGK its not a case of everything else is larger its the fact that everything else is more aggressive.
Edit: what are the smallest fish that the BGK is in with at present?
its in my corner tank at the mo in a comunity planted with plant and rocks but hes getting big enough to eat the tetras if not already!
the silver shark is getting to big for it to!!!!