Beware Of Superskimmer?


Fish Crazy
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California
First off I'm going to say that this is a great skimmer as far as skimming goes. It does seem to have some problems though. For example, about once every two weeks I come home to atleast 3 gallons of SW dumped onto my floor because it just goes crazy. It seems to do this for no apparent reason. It doesn't do it righ after water change, I'm not putting anything funny in the water... I do consistent feedings at morning and nighttime. I even tried installing an overflow valve that went into a 1gal container, but even that overflowed! The excess water it skims doesn't seem dirty, (I was looking at the overflow container water), it just seems like the tank water with a little skimmate in it. Does anyone have any ideas?
First off I'm going to say that this is a great skimmer as far as skimming goes. It does seem to have some problems though. For example, about once every two weeks I come home to atleast 3 gallons of SW dumped onto my floor because it just goes crazy. It seems to do this for no apparent reason. It doesn't do it righ after water change, I'm not putting anything funny in the water... I do consistent feedings at morning and nighttime. I even tried installing an overflow valve that went into a 1gal container, but even that overflowed! The excess water it skims doesn't seem dirty, (I was looking at the overflow container water), it just seems like the tank water with a little skimmate in it. Does anyone have any ideas?
Have you a picture of the skimmer?
First off I'm going to say that this is a great skimmer as far as skimming goes. It does seem to have some problems though. For example, about once every two weeks I come home to atleast 3 gallons of SW dumped onto my floor because it just goes crazy. It seems to do this for no apparent reason. It doesn't do it righ after water change, I'm not putting anything funny in the water... I do consistent feedings at morning and nighttime. I even tried installing an overflow valve that went into a 1gal container, but even that overflowed! The excess water it skims doesn't seem dirty, (I was looking at the overflow container water), it just seems like the tank water with a little skimmate in it. Does anyone have any ideas?

I also have this problem and I have no idea how to remedy.
Mine was leaking from a few joints but the slat creep kinda stopped that. As far as overflowing for no reason I have not had that experience with it. Mine works great.

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