When anyone posts something like this, I am compelled to comment. Please understand it is not intended to be argumentative, nor derogatory. It is simply a statement of factual information that is not understood especially by those new to the hobby, and since we have members new to the hobby it would be disadvantageous to not explain things. Hopefully we have all come here to learn as well as share what we already know.
The misleading info is a big problem; much of what one finds by searching the internet is inaccurate, misleading, or just plain false. Anyone can run a site and make videos, but the data may be completely erroneous. Another member has recently posted links to what are totally impossible videos of someone catching human-developed fancy strains of bettas and other fish in natural rivers. This sort of nonsense does the hobby no good. Each of us needs to learn who is the "authority" and follow that advice or use their information. This is not to say that authorities never make mistakes, we all do; but these people have peer review, and the intelligence to use it.
I also feel it is wrong to assume that because something has been tried, it must work. This is not in the best interests of the fish. Fish. like all animals, can put up with a lot that is not in their best interests, as the will to overcome everything and live is the strongest force in all animals. Swimming, eating and spawning are not guarantees that "x" is OK. The complex biological interrelationship of fish to their aquatic environment is most assuredly not understood by many, and it must be learned (at least to the point of being recognized and accepted as crucial) by all of us entering the hobby. We cannot ever assume that just because we see nothing externally, everything is good. Stress caused by this or that can continue for months before a fish shows any external "symptom," and by then it is too late. Stress causes 90% of all aquarium fish disease. And the only way to avoid stress is to research and understand the species' requirements and provide them whether exactly or artificially, depending upon the factor.