

Fish Crazy
Mar 13, 2006
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i am sick of being told diffrent things about these fish ,, i wanted a betta so i said to the fish keeper im sure he will be in a tank by himself he said oh no keep it with guppies or any community fish ,,is this correct i was sure that these cant live with any fish ,,
i have diffrent sizes if they can go in with community fish then a 4ft by 2ft but then i have a 3 ft a 2 ft and a small 5 gal i allso have another empty 4 ft
I wouldnt put a betta in with male guppies the big coloured tails of guppies could make the Betta think it is another Betta,I know i had to move one of my tanks that was standing beside a tank with guppies in as the betta was flaring all the time
Most bettas (depending on their individual personality) can go in with peaceful community fish that don't have long flowy fins. There's a FAQ on these forums that goes into more detail.
my betta gets on fine with zebra diano's and golden sucking loaches - makes for a good looking community tank
Mine seems quite happy with my mix (see sig!)

I do make sure to regularly watch and make sure he (and my shark) don't suddenly turn on their mates, which I have been told can happen at any time. So far, my Betta only seems to have issues with his own reflection on the side of the tank!

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