

fancy goldfish rule!!!
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Jersey, Channel Islands, UK
i have a hex tank (40cm tall and about 45cm in the longest part) works out at little less than 15 uk gallons. betta here are rare and i went to my lfs to get plants and what do they have a gorgeous red male in a tank and loads of females in another.

my tank is planted (alot of growing to be done) there is a fairly strong current at the top that i guess i may have to change. would my tank suit the male or if i was to get females how many would 5 be too much.

i dont mind just having one male in this tank as he was gorgeous i am just worried about the depth of the tank

tanks i heated to 26f is this to hot or to cold etc


i will be searching but as i need to buy or pay tomorrow any response will be awesome :D
I have heard that 5 or six females in a planted tank works best, so I would try that. Be ready to seperate or bring back females that harass and nip at other females. It takes time to find a group that get along, but sometimes you luck out and get a group that are happy together.
Yes you'll have to change the current because bettas like either a soft current to no current. You could get 5 to 6 females or 1 male and a few corys. The temp is good, are you using a heater in the tank?
thanks for the replies

i have gone off the idea of females as if some dont get on i cant rehome them and dont want to stress them by returning them etc

so i have decided on one male. I will sort the filter out by buying a smaller one, the tank is heated and planted and cycled. I do water changes at least once a week and usually a smaller one midweek.

I was thinking maybe housing an ADF with the betta. but to be honest i am happy with just the betta (cant believ last night i said i didnt like them, it was love at first site in the shop lol)

my next question is their diet? do they like flakes, peas, tetra blood worms, live food etc

thanks again

this is the tank (not furnished so to speak)


is it to tall for a betta?
bettas generally dont like hexs, but i spose it will do

they eat all flake food and frozen foods never go a miss :D
he will do fine, as long as you have a few tall plants that almost reach the surface :)
Yes in order for the tank not to look almost empty you should/could get a few corys or a few ADF's.
That's a really nice tank! ;) I think a Betta boy would be in heaven having that all to himself, and an ADF would be a perfect tank mate. Good luck with your Betta, and update with pics once you get him!!

hopefullyi will try and go in tomorrow after work and get him and some food etc

I will be posting a "empty to stocked" pic post

can anyone recomend a filter that will be ok with the betta. maybe one suited to a 5 gallon tank as wouldnt it have less of a current. bearing in mind there is roughly 40 cms from glass to glass
a simple sponge filter should be adequate :) make sure the flow is aimed at a glass panel rather than accross the tank :) this cuts the current considerabely B)
to correct something said above, don't feed your betta flake food, they prefer pellet type really. and also frozen/live is better over freeze-dried foods (bloodworm/brine shrimp etc).
ok thanks i think my lfs stock betta specific pellets

bought myself a double sponge filter today and airpump the current is hardly anything now which is could news for the betta

also saw my lfs has 7 male betta's now so i left it and will choose on saturday when i have more time.

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