Bettas over cichlids.

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Aug 23, 2003
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Toon Town


  • bettas_over_cichlids.JPG
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I cant beleive you would keep fish in those tiny little jars!!! Im sorry but thats just sick, they sell beer in bigger bottles than that.
I cant beleive you would keep fish in those tiny little jars!!! Im sorry but thats just sick

Agrees, evven though i hate bettas!
CFC You are at it Again, For shame and you being a MOD.

There is nothing wrong with the way in which FRESHMIKE has those bettas they are lovely and the are the same size containers as mine. The only differnrece being that mine are Barrel Shaped and his are Tall.
Before every one jumps on FM, those could be just temporary, as I think he just bought a bunch of bettas, and they appear to be a half gallon, which isn't great, but not that bad. I've seen bettas kept in smaller.
Yeah, are those the ones you rescued? if so then i know ya keeping them temporary in there. Im just glad u saved them ;)
Well if its temporarily housing, its a different matter.
ya know, those come in a 1 gallon size as well.
CFC said:
I cant beleive you would keep fish in those tiny little jars!!! Im sorry but thats just sick, they sell beer in bigger bottles than that.

Have to say that I agree totally.


cometcattle said:
those could be just temporary

nutter said:
Yeah, are those the ones you rescued? if so then i know ya keeping them temporary in there

nitro said:
Well if its temporarily housing, its a different matter.

Not according to this topic:

freshmike said:
So I got my friend to get me some "better than normal" bettas in

They had been specially ordered to go in those jars.

Sorry, just thought I should point it out.
Let FM reply b4 everyone gives him crap for something they don't entirely know about.
It's definetely better than keeping them in little cups like what they do in the LFS... I can't believe how much heat FM is getting from this pic...I thought this is the friendliest forum around????
Wow, I'd never thought that people would treat TFF's most dedicated member like this. :no: Like Freshmike would ever harm his bettas.
Ron said:
Wow, I'd never thought that people would treat TFF's most dedicated member like this. :no: Like Freshmike would ever harm his bettas.
None of us are infallible. Should we not say anything, say they are lovely but in fact we think it's cruel?

Where do you draw the line? It'd be unfriendly to tell someone they should not have a bala in a 10 gallon but it would still be true.

I understand these jars are a matter of opinion, but people are simply expressing theirs.

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