Bettas & Guppies

What's your take on Males Bettas and Guppies

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  • Will never try to keep them together!

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A young male betta that hasnt been bred yet will do fine with guppies. I always had one in my tank. I bred him after a while, and when I put him in there to change his water, he flares up when the guppies come near. He doesnt chase them, he just flares up and they run away.
had a betta + gup living together for months in a community tank. put them together in a 3 gall temp and the betta went insane chasing the gup, ripped all it's fins before i realised, so i splatted the gup on the pavement as i had no room for it and it was in clear pain with shredded fins ;)
i had female bettas with female guppies and they were fine for 3 months then one by one the guppies started dieing and they were only youngsters, will never keep them together in the future
Hi everyone,
Bettas have different temperments but I wouldn't risk it. :look:

I used to have a pair of female guppies and a pair of female bettas in my ten gallon tank a couple of years ago and they never fought, although the bettas never came out from around the filter and both died within the first month I got them :-(
I bought my betta (RIP) from my LFS where he was happily living in a tank with a lot of guppies, no nipped fins no flaring no problems at all. I added him to my community tank with some flame tetra and some copper harlequin rasboras and he had no issue with them. He was placcid and happy little guy.
I bought a few guppy from the same lfs that i got him from and he went mental just didn't like them, so it was a case of move the betta to a new tank. The injured guppy is happily regrowing his tail now.
So i wouldn't recommend it
Agreed, prevention is better than the cure in this case in my opinion. Although I'd never put any average male guppies in with my betta, I've found him to live peacefully with endlers and venus guppys for years. He's also fine with my mountain minnows, black neon tetra, glow-lite tetra, normans lampeye and golden otos. Although sometimes I do see him eyeing up the lampeyes around feeding time. That said, I've introduced a fair few fish in there that were immediately removed as he clearly wasn't happy with them. (such as cardinal tetras which I thought was strange...)

I think what makes keeping a bettaso rewarding is the personality they frequently show. Each one is going to behave differently, and if you aren't careful about it, you have to be prepared for the possible consequences. =)

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