Bettas Sensors?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2009
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When I bought my latest betta Albert Fish from Wal-Mart, the girl who checked me out told me that I needed to hold the betta cup over my head as I walked out the door, because those sensor things you walk past can slightly electrocute the betta, enough to kill it, because the water acts as a conductor and blah blah. What? They have those things at Petsmart, Petco, and probably every other big name pet store. Does anyone know if there is any validity to this? Cuz I'd never heard it.

Hey, the human brain is mostly water. Wal-Mart's security sensors are zapping it's customers into idiots! :hyper:

I dunno if that's total BS or what, but at least a Wal-Mart employee cared aye? And yes, I carried the fish over my head like a fool :lol:
That chick done lost her mind...

Lol that's what I think. I think she's worked at Wal-Mart too long >_>

She was dead serious about it though. After that long spiel I would have felt bad not carrying him over my head. She was watching! :lol:
That chick done lost her mind...

Lol that's what I think. I think she's worked at Wal-Mart too long >_>

She was dead serious about it though. After that long spiel I would have felt bad not carrying him over my head. She was watching! :lol:

Haha...hey at least she was trying to be nice! It shows that she cares for animals. Even though she was off base.

I would have giggled if I had seen you. Thanks for the mental image haha
That sounds like she got a good prank on you. That would be priceless to see a guy walking out with a beta over his head like a trophy. LOL

RUN FORREST.... RUNNN!!!! Take the betta before the evil Wall Mart recaptures it!!!

By the way... those are magnetic fields. They are harmless. You are exposed to much stronger fields than that by natural forces.
If I were just reading the story I would think it was a prank as well. She was being serious though. Kinda seemed like a kooky gal but a sincere one, and the kind that obviously likes to talk A LOT. Lol she irritated the people in line behind me for taking so long. I found a remark on Yahoo! Answers regarding the Wal-Mart sensors specifically, so I guess there's at least one other person that believes it!
Every living thing emits a specific electromagnetic field. Some people, such as I, will cause certain HPS lamps (such as street lights) to turn off when I get close to them, and set off certain alarm systems. However, it's nothing that has ever been properly tested or substantiated. There are always weird things that can occur with anything that emits an EMF. However, no, it won't hurt a fish.
To be honest with you, the fish department at my nearest Wal-Mart seemingly does a better job taking care of the betta fish than my nearest Petsmart does. Not to say that they do a good or even acceptable job, but they do a better job. The condition of their community fish is right on par with the pet stores *shrug*
That sounds like she got a good prank on you. That would be priceless to see a guy walking out with a beta over his head like a trophy.

That made me lol and will probably continue to make me lol randomly throughout tomorrow. XD

Wacky girl, though. At first I was thinking she was probably just trying to see if you'd actually ~do~ it, but then again and I can totally see her being sincere about it, too.

... Can you imagine someone walking casually out of Walmart, only to hear a sudden BZZZ! noise and they're fish is electrocuted? They'd be like O___O?!
Just standin' there with a zapped fish.
I got to thinking, since I googled it and found another remark about the Wal-Mart sensors and GENERAL Wal-Mart does the sorriest job taking care of fish (my nearest Wal-Mart being a rare exclusion). Maybe the employees are told to tell people that, not really expecting them to hold the fish over their head. Then, when the customer comes back in with a dead fish, they can tell them it was their fault and not the store's, and maybe refuse to give them a refund. That sounds pretty ridiculous as well :lol:

But I wouldn't put it past Wal-Mart :sly:
the electricity put off by walmarts security sensors are enough to further stress a stressed fish. thus knowing what garbage care walmart takes of their fish it is possible that the sensors could contribute to stressing the fish to death in a few days.
When I bought my latest betta Albert Fish from Wal-Mart, the girl who checked me out told me that I needed to hold the betta cup over my head as I walked out the door, because those sensor things you walk past can slightly electrocute the betta, enough to kill it, because the water acts as a conductor and blah blah. What? They have those things at Petsmart, Petco, and probably every other big name pet store. Does anyone know if there is any validity to this? Cuz I'd never heard it.

Hey, the human brain is mostly water. Wal-Mart's security sensors are zapping it's customers into idiots! :hyper:

I dunno if that's total BS or what, but at least a Wal-Mart employee cared aye? And yes, I carried the fish over my head like a fool :lol:
listening to Wal-Mart employees will make you rich.
Every living thing emits a specific electromagnetic field. Some people, such as I, will cause certain HPS lamps (such as street lights) to turn off when I get close to them, and set off certain alarm systems.

Huh. You know, over the past few months (or a year) I've noticed that some street lights always either turn off or turn on when I go past. I've been wondering if it's just a coincidence or not. You think hearing aids aid in that?

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