Bettas Sensors?

Not going to harm the fish

Anything that is electric produces an electromagnetic current which can exert physical anomalies and everything that is metallic will exert a very small field if its ferrous based (alloys of iron,nickel,cobalt and gadolinium at room temperature other elements become magnetic at different temps). Every living thing is electrically charged plus much of what we carry on our person is aswell, sometime if you put a phone next to some speakers and recieve a text or phone call you will hear the speakers crackle before the phone reacts and rings. Get a lamp and put next to a cathode ray tube (old school big fat tvs and monitors) and you will see the effect of the magnetic field thats why it has a degauss button on models developed in the last 8 years to counterract the magnetic field and reset the electron gun that makes up the CRT colour projection. WW2 warships use to be fitted with "coiling" which was a very basic degauss technique but was still effective to avoid magnetic mines from being attracted to the massive steel hulls which produced a large magnetic field.

The conspiracy theory attachted to degaussing is the philadelphia experiment where the USS navy were testing a new type of degauss using much more powerful generators and supposedly the ship vanished and appeared off the coast 400ish (IIRC) miles away then 5 seconds later returned to its testing facility. The crew went crazy and some crew members were found to be welded to the hull. Ofcourse that is a conspiracy theory that is more then likely just a figment of someones imagination.
I must admit i would find it hillarious if i saw someone walking out of a pet shop with a betta over their head. :lol:
Electricity isn't the only form of energy a wind turbine power plant converting electrical energy from kinetic is that not energy transfer? The body is an electricode it will attract electricity as its normally grounded and packed with water and salts hence why you shouldn't stand in a field during a thunderstorm. Pure water does not conduct electricity the salts dissolved in water conduct electricity the water in the air is not likely to contain a high salt content and the electricity arcs to the electrode. Air is normally a non-conductive material and freshwater water is mildy conductive depedning on the environment it is found.

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