Betta ??


New Member
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Northants, England
Hi All
I wanted to get a betta but wasnt sure if it will be ok with my other fish. I have 4 mollies, 3 red blonde guppies, 2 catfish, 2 Angel fish and 5 zebra danios. Any views on this would be appreciated!!!

I was informed that you shouldn't keep a betta with a guppy because the betta will mistake it for another betta and will nip at their tails eventually causing fin rot.

I would love a betta but i have guppy's so its just not meant to be.

Hope this helps

dont worry nla81, a betta can live happily in a small tank by himself and you will have space for some different fish in your community tank. You wont regret getting a new tank for your betta, I've onlt been keeping them a few months and I'm already addicted :D
Guppies with a Betta is something I was considering for my new setup.

My lfs has a few guppie tanks with a betta in some of them so I was thinking (not saying it is) that it would be okay.
I have a female betta in my aquarium, bought 4 guppys (2 males 2 females) & I have one female left. females w/ females MIGHT be ok, it depends on the fish.
I have a betta in a 5 gallon and i had two gold fish in there and he killed them so i would not recomed mixing it with any fish unless its a female betta then u can mix them with almost anthing. it also depends on the fish to.
If there is one thing I have learned it is every fish has its own disposition. That being said I would tend to shy away from keeping a Betta in with anything that either has big fins / tails....or anything that is a fin nipper. When I bought my Betta I also bought a Spanner ("T") barb figuring that their two egos would keep each other in check. Well I now have a tank divider cause the T-barb kept kicking his butt every which way. I will soon be setting up a 72 gallon bow tank and the T barb will go in there leaving my Betta with some peace loving catfish and a pleco...and one snail we affectionatley call "bean"
pacuman said:
I have a betta in a 5 gallon and i had two gold fish in there and he killed them
thats not something I'd be admitting to :no:

Two goldfish in a 5gal alone is abominal
Depends completely on the individual betta. Some of them are really laid back and would be fine with any fish that doesn't harass it. Some of them will get aggro on any fish with flowing fins, some of them won't tolerate other fish at all, regardless of fin type. You can try the betta in the community but keep a close eye on the tank for a few weeks and have some alternate housing available for the betta and move him at the first sign of trouble, either from him or directed at him.
I have a betta in my tank with 2 male guppies (among many other fish) and they get along fine. I have also heard that they mistake them for juvinile betta's, but mine have never had a run in and they have been in there for ages.
I did get my guppy's as fry though, so maybe they have grown up together and are used to eachother?

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